Background Information
The Pouch Pay Process involves several steps and requires that multiple forms be completed. For further information, please refer to the SDS Pouch Pay Forms Job Aide.
Obtain Pouch Bank |
Pay Out Jackpots |
From Workstation:
- Retrieve Pouch Bank from designated workstation
- Count the bank contents
- Complete the incoming portion of the “Cashier Count” Form
- Sign as the Incoming Cashier
- Retain the Countdown Sheet until the end of your shift
From Keyperson:
- Same as obtaining from Workstation except you must also sign the incoming cashier line in the Outgoing section of the other Keyperson’s Countdown Sheet.
When a Patron Hits a JP:
- Greet the Patron
- Insert Slot ID card
- Visually verify jackpot or cash out amount
- Complete Jackpot Request Slip
- Reset the Machine, remove Slot ID card
- Ask patron to spin off machine
- Pay Patron from Pouch Bank using a verifier (unless over $1199)
- Place JP Request Slip in Pouch
Generate JP Slips |
Refill Pouch Bank |
When Pouch Bank is Low:
- While in SDS, Press Enter
- Type JA at the Command? Prompt
- Type your Employee ID, press Enter
- Type D, S, or G for day, swing, or grave shift
- Enter Slot Machine number
- Type the Sequence Number (J number) of the pending jackpot
- Confirm amount shown
- Press Enter
- Note slip sequence number in case printer jams
When Pouch Bank is Low:
- Go to Workstation with JP Request Slips
- Generate JP slips for all Request Slips using SDS
- Prepare a 10-Key tape of Total Slips
- Prepare a Cash Exchange Form (Buy Slip)
- “Sell” these forms back to the Cage at the designated window:
- Buy Slip
- Yellow JP Slips
- Pink Request Slips
- 10-Key tape
- Attach white copies of Request Slips and Buy Slips together and place in Drop Box
- Place white copy of Buy Slip in workstation until the end of your shift.
Return Pouch Bank |
Reconcile Variances |
To the Workstation:
- Sell back all remaining JP Slips
- Count the bank contents
- Complete the Outgoing section of Countdown Sheet
- Have a Slot Supervisor or designee sign the Outgoing section
- Secure Pouch Bank in Workstation
- Turn in these forms to Audit Drop Box:
- Countdown Sheet (white copy)
- Buy Slips (white copies)
When a Variance Exists:
- Complete a Variance Slip
- Include Comments describing the reason for the variance
- Slot Supervisor or designee must sign the form
- Submit White copy to the Cage
- Submit Yellow copy to the Slot Department
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