MapPoint - Importing Data


Background Information

MapPoint allows data from programs such as Casino Marketplace to be displayed on a map. This makes visualizing information easier and helps to identify trends based on geography. To create maps, MapPoint imports data from other programs. The steps for accomplishing this are described in this Job Aid.

Creating a Map From an Excel Table

  1. From the Data menu, select Import data wizard
  2. Locate and Select the spreadsheet and press Open
  3. Click the desired sheet or range and press Next, a preview of your data will display
  4. Verify the First row contains column headings box is checked
  5. Verify the Data types are correct for all location-related fields (e.g., City, State, Zip, etc.)
  6. Press Finish
  7. If MapPoint cannot match records in your spreadsheet to valid addresses, you will be prompted to choose among a list of possible matches.
    • Select the correct address
    • Press OK
    • Repeat as necessary, OR
    • Press Skip record to skip to the next unmatched address
    • Press Skip all records to skip the matching process
  8. Choose the desired Map type and press Next
  9. Choose the data field that should be included on the map (e.g., sales figures, new account set ups, etc.)
    OPTIONAL: choose to Divide Data, Show Data at different levels, and/or Combine the data as appropriate
  10. Press Next
    OPTIONAL choose Legend title and color schemes
  11. Press Finish


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Article ID: 7041
Fri 7/28/23 2:55 PM
Fri 7/28/23 2:55 PM

