eCash High Speed Conversion - Troubleshooting


Background Information

eCash issue may arise with slot machines after the high-speed conversion.  This job aide lists steps to troubleshoot these issues.

Reload Cache

  1. Log into SDS.
  2. Expand Utility.
  3. Click on Reload Cache
  4. Select Asset. Click Submit as the button becomes available.

Enable Cache

  1. Expand the SendIt section
  2. Click on Flash Message
  3. From the Flash Message Window, click on the Transaction Code drop-down. Select Message to a Specific Slot(s). *Note: DO NOT select other options from menu.
  4. Select the slot machine(s).  Hold down Ctrl on the keyboard and click with the mouse to select multiple machines.​​​​​​​
  5. Type 14,01 into the Message box.
    • Command set 14,01 refreshes Params and Key Exchange for eCash.
    • Flash Message assists in getting eCash to download and withdraw.
  6. Click Submit.


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Article ID: 7037
Fri 7/28/23 2:40 PM
Fri 7/28/23 2:40 PM

