UKG - Tax Withholding Forms


Background Information

Use the UKG system to add or update Tax and Withholding Forms.

Access / Edit Tax Withholding Forms

  1. Navigate to the Main Menu using the Hamburger icon.
  2. Under the My Information category, select My HR.
  3. Select the Forms tab. Under Government Forms, select Withholding, as pictured in the attached pdf.
  4. In the upper right side of the screen, select Add New.
  5. Select the appropriate form by clicking + Add.
  6. Fill out the form completely and select SUBMIT in the upper right corner of the screen.

NOTE – you can save your progress by selecting SAVE or download and print the PDF version by selecting DOWNLOAD PDF; do this to fill out and submit form in person.


To review images or save/download/print a copy of this Job Aide, please select the pdf attachment



Article ID: 6477
Thu 7/20/23 2:30 PM
Mon 12/11/23 1:35 PM

