UKG - PTO Sellback


Background Information

PTO Sellback is available on the UKG Dimensions system during eligible months as announced by HR. Eligible Team Members may sell back up to 50% of their Current Vested PTO balance.

This benefit is available for:

  • Any hourly Team Member with one year of service
  • Any salaried Team Member

Team Members are allowed to sell back ONCE during the PTO Sellback period. Sellback submission and payment dates are listed on the PTO Sellback form in the UKG system.

For more information, please contact the Benefits Department at

The steps listed below will guide you through the PTO Sellback process in UKG.


Qualified Team Members may submit one request by the following deadlines: 

  • by November 1st to be paid out on November 8th


  • by November 15th to be paid out on November 22nd

Verify PTO Hours

  1. Navigate to UKG. Select the Main Menu in the upper-left corner of the screen. (Use the hamburger icon to open the menu).
  2. Navigate to the My Information category header and select My Timecard.
  3. On the Timecard screen, click the Accruals tab at the bottom left of the screen.
  4. Current Vested Balance displays the total hours available for Sellback.
    • A Team Member can request up to 50% of this number.
    • Only whole hours may be requested for Sellback.

Submit Sellback Form

  1. Navigate to the Main Menu by using the hamburger icon.
  2. Select the My Information category header and select My HR.
  3. On the My HR screen, select the HR Actions tab. Then, select the Available filter header to display all available actions.
  4. Scroll down on the screen until you see PTO Sellback.
  5. Read the PTO Sellback instructions and submission details carefully. Select Start to continue.
  6. To Complete and Submit the form:
    • The Effective From date displays the current date. There is no need to adjust this date.
    • Enter the number of hours you would like to sell back in the PTO Sellback Hours field. Remember, only a whole number (no decimal) may be entered, and should not exceed 50% of your Current Vested Balance.
    • Choose the PTO Sellback Pay Date from the drop-down.
      • NOTE: Choose ONLY either the date of 11/08/2024 or 11/22/2024.
    • Select Submit.
  7. A confirmation pop-up will appear on the screen. Select Submit to confirm the action.
  8. When the request has been successfully submitted, a confirmation image will appear.

Save and Edit a Pending PTO Sellback Request

In UKG Dimensions, you have the option to start a PTO Submission Form and save with the intention to complete and submit at a later day/time.

  1. Follow steps 1 – 6c from the previous section, Submit Sellback Form.
  2. When the information on the form has been entered, select Save. This will give the option to complete and submit the form at a later time.
  3. Access the form to complete the submission:
    • Navigate to Main Menu > My Information > My HR.
    • Select the HR Actions tab and filter by Open.
    • In the Actions column (far right of the screen), select the Ellipsis ( … ).
    • The options menu displays all actions available for the PTO Sellback line item.
    • From this menu, you can Edit or Delete the original request.

Cancel a PTO Sellback Request

  1. Access your PTO Sellback request at the My HR screen by navigating to Main Menu > My Information > My HR.
  2. Select the HR Actions tab and select Submitted.
  3. On the far right of the list is the Action column. Select the ellipsis ( … ) at the line item and select Delete to delete the request.
  4. A confirmation message will appear on your screen.
    • Select Cancel to disregard the cancellation.
    • Select Delete to continue with the cancellation.
  5. A confirmation message will appear when the action is complete.

Note: A previously submitted request cannot be edited. The submitted request must be cancelled, and a new request should be started.


To review images or save/download/print a copy of this Job Aide, please select the pdf attachment.



Article ID: 6470
Thu 7/20/23 1:51 PM
Thu 10/17/24 11:10 AM

