UKG - Manage Time Off Requests


Background Information

This jobe aid explains how to locate time off requests that have been submitted by your employees and how to approve, reject, or mark them as pending, if necessary.

Locate Employee Time Off Requests

All submitted employee time off requests are directed to the manager or managers defined for each employee. Using Control Center, you can review notification details, filter and sort notifications and take action on the pending requests.

  1. Locate the My Notifications tile on your Home page and select Employee Requests or click on the Bell icon in the upper right corner of the page and select the View All button.
  2. From the Filter menu, select the Status filter and select the request status checkboxes that you wish to display.
  3. From the Calendar menu, select the dates that you wish to manage requests. This applies to the Submitted date, not the dates the employee is requesting off.

Respond to Time Off Requests in Control Center

  1. Review each request details by selecting the request (shown with a blue highlight) and selecting the menus in the Details panel.
  2. When you are ready to take action on a request, simply select it and the use the icons on the top:
    • Click Approve to approve a request.
    • Click Refuse to reject a request.
    • Click Add Comments to provide more information back to the employee.
    • Click Mark as Pending to leave the request in a pending status to come back later.
    • Click Cancel if you need to cancel the request on behalf of the employee.
  3. A confirmation message will appear at the top of the screen indicating that your action was successful.
  4. Employees and managers will receive notifications when requests change status.
  5. Open the My Notification Center to review any time off requests that have had status changes, such as Canceled PTO waiting for approval.
    • To approve a canceled PTO request, select the notification to open the timecard.
    • Right-click the canceled PTO and select Approve.

Respond to Time Off Requests in the Schedule Using Absence Calendar

  1. Access the applicable schedule under Main Menu > Schedule.
  2. In the Current Schedule, select the Absence Calendar tab at the bottom of the page.
  3. In the Absence Calendar, click a date with a black dot to see an employee request. Note: You can use the Incoming Requests Count column to sort all requests up to the top of the schedule.
  4. If you have multiple requests and don't need to review the details, use Approve in the Quick Actions tool bar to approve the requests. Otherwise, in the schedule grid, right-click the submitted time-off request to open the Time Off window.
  5. When you are ready to take action on the request, simply select one of the actions:
    • Click Approve to approve a request.
    • Click Refuse to reject a request.
    • Click Cancel if you need to cancel the request on behalf of the employee.
    • Click More Actions to Add a Comment or to Edit the request.


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Article ID: 6460
Thu 7/20/23 12:19 PM
Fri 1/12/24 3:44 PM

