UKG - Access / Edit Direct Deposit


Background Information

Use the UKG system to make adjustments to your Direct Deposit settings.

Access / Edit Direct Deposit

  1. Navigate to the Main Menu using the Hamburger icon.
  2. Under the My Information category, select My HR.
  3. On the HR screen, select the HR Actions tab at the top-left of the screen.
  4. Select the Available tab.
  5. Within this section, to the right of the screen, select Start.
  6. To add a new direct deposit account, select +Add and complete/enter all required fields.
  7. Select Save.
  8. To edit an existing direct deposit account, select the Edit icon and edit any necessary fields.
  9. Select Save.
  10. To submit changes to your direct deposit, select Submit.
    • To save changes to submit at a later date, select Save.
  11. Review submitted direct deposit changes under the Submitted tab in HR Actions.
    • Review and submit saved changes under the Open tab in HR Actions.


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Article ID: 6456
Thu 7/20/23 11:44 AM
Mon 12/18/23 1:16 PM

