Versa - Scanning & Saving IDs Using CR5400 Scanner


Background Information

The Hotel Front Desk area has incorporated the CR5400 ID scanners within the check-in process to capture guest information from their ID and populate it into Versa. The following steps will walk through this process of scanning a Driver License, State ID, or EPassport ID with the CR5400 scanner, populating required fields within Versa, saving an ID into Versa, and viewing a saved ID once it has been saved.

Scanning & Saving an ID Using the CR5400 Scanner

  1. Launch Versa and login with your ID and Password.
  2. Select Reservations from the top navigational bar.
  3. Navigate to the Guest’s reservation information by selecting their reservation.
  4. The Guest’s Stay Record screen appears. Select the guest’s name to open their Guest Profile.
  5. Place the Guest’s provided ID (driver’s license, state ID, ePassport) in any direction into the slot opening of the CR5400 Scanner. A blue light from the scanner indicates the scanner is in a "ready" status.
  6. Select the ID Scan button on the right side of the General Information screen.
    • NOTE: The first scan of the day on each CR5400 device is slower than usual because the device is loading all the drivers. Once the device completes this process, future scans complete much faster.
  7. The Scanned Image Preview screen will populate the PII from the ID into the appropriate fields, such as First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Number and Date of Birth.
  8. Delete the guest’s middle name and verify information populated accurately.
  9. For third party reservations, we cannot alter the main name in any way. If there are discrepancies in the name, do not scan the ID onto the guest’s profile. Instead, add their name as an additional guest and scan the ID from the main reservation.
  10. Select OK at the bottom of the screen to save information. Select Cancel if you need to redo the scan.
  11. If you have additional guests that need to have an ID scanned, follow steps 1 – 3 in this section and select ID Scan from the Guest’s Stay Record versus the actual Guest Profile. Then, follow steps 5 – 10 to complete the ID Scan process.

CR5400 Scanner Light Indicators

  • Blue Light - indicates scanner is in a "ready" status and will return after the entire scanning process is complete.
  • Yellow Blinking Light - indicates the scanning process.
  • Yellow Solid Light - indicates the scan has been completed.
  • Green Solid Light - indicates the scan was successful.
  • Red Light - indicates an error occurred.

Searching & Viewing a Saved ID in Versa

  1. Complete steps 1 – 3 in the previous section “Scanning & Saving an ID Using the CR5400 Scanner.”
  2. Select the Manage Documents button on the right side of either the Guest Profile or the Guest Stay Record, depending on where you want to search.
  3. Select Search at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Four images will appear of the saved ID: a front image, a back image, a signature, and a face.
  5. Select an image to view the image on the right side of the screen under Document Preview.
  6. The Document Preview window will appear and display the saved image of the Guest’s provided ID.
  7. Select the File option at top right-hand corner.
  8. Select the Save As… option within the dropdown to save the image as a pdf or jpg. Or select the Print Current Document to print a copy of the image (for Security purposes).


To review images or save/download/print a copy of this Job Aide, please select the pdf attachment.



Article ID: 16450
Thu 1/16/25 1:01 PM
Thu 1/16/25 1:01 PM

