UKG - Support Wages Pay Code Entry


Background Information

This job aide explains how to add a Support Wages Pay Code in UKG to a team member’s timecard for ECM team members in the Pathways to Success 20/20 Program. Only timecard editors with the appropriate user access can edit timecards in UKG.

Adding a Support Wages Pay Code to a Timecard

  1. Navigate to UKG and login.
  2. Select the Manage Timecards forward arrow to navigate to the timecards page.
  3. In the upper left corner of the screen, select a team member from the drop-down menu.
  4. The Support Wages Pay Code must be added to its own line item. If the Support Wages fall on the same day as the team member worked, add a separate line item to then add the Support Wages Pay Code.
    • For example, if a team member has time from an unscheduled workday that must be added as Support Wages, add the Support Wages Pay Code to that unscheduled workday by:
      • Navigating to the Pay Code column.
      • Select the Pay Code drop-down menu and select Support Wage.
      • Navigating to the Amount column.
      • Clicking into the field to enter the hour(s) worked.
      • Select Save in the upper right corner.
    • For example, if a team member has time from a scheduled workday that must be added as Support Wages, add the Support Wages Pay Code to that workday by:
      • Navigating to the workday that must be edited.
      • Selecting the plus sign icon to the left of the Date column.
      • On the added line item, navigate to the Pay Code column.
      • Select the Pay Code drop-down menu and select Support Wage.
      • Navigating to the Amount column.
      • Clicking into the field to enter the hour(s) worked.
      • Select Save in the upper right corner.
  5. ​​​​​​​To confirm the Support Wages Pay Code has been added successfully, select Totals from the bottom of the screen.
  6. Under the Pay Code column, you will see the Support Wages Pay Code.
  7. Under the Amount column, you should see the total number of hours for that pay code.


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Article ID: 16332
Tue 1/7/25 9:16 AM
Tue 1/7/25 9:16 AM

