Everi - Floor Monitor Patron Compliance


Background Information

The following Job Aide details the steps to follow when completing Patron Compliance in Everi.

Completing Patron Compliance

  1. Navigate to a desktop computer. Locate the Everi Floor Monitor icon and double click to open the application.
  2. Domain is set to CASINO.
  3. Enter your username and password in the appropriate fields.
  4. Property is set to Casino Arizona Prod.
  5. Select Login.
  6. Select Add Transaction which includes a green plus icon beside it.
  7. A Patron window appears. Search for a guest’s information by using their Player Rewards # (Patrion ID) or their first and last name.
  8. Select Search.
  9. Once a guest is located, select Patron Compliance Profile which includes a green plus icon beside it.
  10. A Patron Edit window appears. Ensure that all the guest’s information is entered correctly.
  11. Select the question mark icon beside the First Name field.
  12. A Patron Validation window appears. Select the Validate All Now button which includes a green checkmark beside it.
  13. Upon successful completion of the validation process, under the Results column, a green checkmark along with the word “Passed” will appear.
    • If there is a red flag with the word “Fail” displayed in the Results column, contact a member of management before proceeding.
  14. Select Logout in the upper left corner of the application once finished.


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Article ID: 15269
Thu 9/19/24 12:41 PM
Thu 9/19/24 12:43 PM

