Outlook - Outlook Web App 365 - New Features

Tags Outlook OWA

Background Information

Outlook Web App (OWA) is a secure portal to access your work emails. OWA can be accessed on any device that has an internet connection, such as a laptop, computer, tablet and/or phone.

The 365 version of Outlook Web App has some slight changes to the login process, as well as some visual changes. It still shares most of the same functionality as Outlook Web App 2013. This Job Aide will go over any differences and similarities between OWA 365 and OWA 2013.

Outlook Web App 365 - Log On

  1. Navigate to Office 365 via a web browser: https://www.office.com/
  2. Select Sign In.
  3. On the Sign In screen, enter your login address. This would be your windows account username@casinoaz.com.
    1. Example: bobbyt@casinoaz.com
    2. NOTE: If you have a @talkingstickresort.com email address, you will use the above username/email convention: username@casinoaz.com.
  4. Select Next.
  5. On the Password screen, enter your Windows password and select Sign In.
  6. For first time logins, you must approve the sign-in request by using the Authenticator app on your phone. If you do not have Authenticator set up on your phone, please see separate Job Aides here to complete the set-up: Authenticator Job Aides
    1. An Authenticator prompt will appear on your web browser screen displaying a random number.
    2. Log into your Authenticator app on your phone and enter the number displayed on the web browser screen.
    3. Select Approve Sign In Request.
  7. After approving the sign-in request, the web browser screen will automatically take you to your Office 365 Home Page.
  8. Select the Outlook icon from the left-hand column/navigation panel to open the Outlook Web App (OWA). Navigate OWA as normal.

NOTE: Never save a password on a personal laptop or tablet that is shared with other users. Personal devices that have not been secured through the IT Department may not have proper security measures for long-term login. Personal devices may also be shared among multiple users, giving others access to CAZ emails if the Web App is not properly logged out after use.

Outlook Web App Navigation

2013 OWA 365 OWA
In OWA 2013, switch between Email and Calendar from the upper right corner of the screen, near your username. In OWA 365, switch between Email and Calendar using their icons from the upper left corner of the screen; within the navigation column.

New Email – 2013
Upper left corner of OWA

Search Bar – Above Inbox

New email message will appear in the Reading Pane to the right of the Inbox.

Choose Options from the Ellipsis …

New Email – 365
Above the Inbox

Search Bar – Top of Page

New email message will appear in the Reading Pane to the right of the Inbox. If drop-down arrow selected, choose the type of new email message.

Delete Message – 2013

Select message

Click on the Ellipsis … for more options

You can still select an email and
click Delete on your Keyboard

Delete Message – 365

Select Message, Click Delete Above Inbox

Hover Over Message, Select Trash Can Icon

You can still select an email and
click Delete on your Keyboard

Unread Email Indicator – 2013

Subject and Date are Bold Blue text

Unread indicator to the left of the message

Unread Email Indicator – 365

Subject and Date are Bold Blue text

Unread indicator to the left of the message

Sign Out – 2013
Click on the username drop-down.
Sign Out is at the bottom of the drop-down menu.
Sign Out – 365
Click on your initials in upper, right-hand corner of screen. Select Sign Out.

New Features

The 365 Outlook Web App has some formatting changes from the 2013 Web App.

Microsoft 365 Integration – 365 connects not only Outlook but also other Microsoft products while viewing OWA. Easily access other Microsoft apps by selecting the global navigation tool in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. Microsoft Apps are also built into the left-hand column and top rows of the screen for easy access, such as a Teams Call, Teams Message, and New Note in OneNote.


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