Outlook - Managing Tasks

Tags Outlook Tasks

Background Information

Outlook users have the ability to create a “to-do” list using Tasks. Tasks are reminders of actions to be taken at a specific time. Users can set tasks to recur over time or can assign tasks to others. Tasks can be viewed at any time in Outlook by clicking the Tasks button from the navigation pane. This Job Aide outlines how to work with Outlook Tasks.

Creating a Task

  1. Select the More Apps icon from the left-side column. Select the Task Clipboard icon to open Tasks.
  2. Select “New Task” from the home ribbon.
  3. Complete the appropriate fields:
    • Subject – Brief description of task
    • Due Date – Task completion date
    • Start Date – Task start date
    • Status – In Progress, Completed, etc.
    • Priority – Normal, Low, High
    • % Complete – Task completion percentage
    • Reminder – Will open the reminder window in Outlook at specified time
    • Task Body – Description of task
  4. Select “Save & Close” to complete creating the task.

NOTE: Tasks are automatically created if the flag is selected in the message preview section of Outlook. See example highlighted in red within the pdf attachment.

Viewing Tasks

There are many options for viewing tasks. All options are in the Task Menu.

  • The Task homepage views “My Tasks” and all created folders.
  • Customize the homepage view by selecting the View tab.
    • Use the “Change View” or “View Settings” to customize the Task homepage.

Completing Tasks

  1. Select the Task that should be marked as completed.
  2. Click the Mark Complete button from the Home Ribbon.

NOTE: Depending on your Task homepage view, you can select an empty checkbox to complete a task as well.

Creating a Recurring Task

If a task repeats over time, you can set a recurrence pattern, so the task is generated per your customizations.

  1. Select “New Task” to create a new task or open an existing task to set a recurrence.
  2. Select “Recurrence” from the Task Ribbon.
  3. From the Recurrence Task window, customize and select the following:
    • Pattern – Daily, Weekly, Monthly, on certain days, customized time, etc.
    • Range of Recurrence – Start and End Dates (if applicable)
  4. Click OK.

Assigning a Task

  1. Select “New Task” or open an existing task to assign to someone.
  2. Select “Assign Task” from Task Ribbon.
  3. Select the “To” button to bring up the address book. Locate the person this task will be assigned to and select that person. Select OK.
  4. Customize message and subject, if desired.
  5. Check “Send me a status report when this task is complete” or “Keep an updated copy of this task on my task list” if desired.
  6. Click “Send” to assign the task.

NOTE: To cancel an assignment, open the Task and select “Cancel Assignment” from the Task Ribbon.

Task Tracking

If you selected the option to send a status report when an assigned task is completed, you will receive a confirmation of completion email for tasks that you assigned to others. 

If you still have a copy of the task in your task list, you can open it at any time to see a revised Status and % Complete based on what the task owner most recently indicated.

Employees can send a status report for a specific task at any time. To do so:

  1. Open the Task.
  2. Select “Send Status Report.”
  3. Select the “To” button to bring up the address book. Locate the person this report will be sent to and select that person. Select OK.
  4. Click “Send” to send the status report.


To review images or save/download/print a copy of this Job Aide, please select the pdf attachment.