Background Information
Meters Xpress is a digital method for recording the current Progressive Meter amounts from slot machines on the gaming floor. The purpose of the application is to view reports from the captured meters. This Job Aide will provide instructions on how to install this software onto a network workstation.
Installing Meters Xpress Onto Network Device
Please follow the steps below to install Meters Xpress onto a network workstation.
- Navigate to: \\casino\dfs\Applications\Everi Products\Meters Express
- Double-click “MXPortalInstaller.exe” to launch the installer.
- At the welcome screen, click “Begin Installation”.
- When you receive notification that the installation is complete, select “Exit”.
- Launch Meters Xpress by double-clicking the icon now available on the desktop.
- In the “Property Name” field, type in: Talking Stick Resort– DAILY
- In the “Property ID” field, type in: Wg6Sxg0JoSdNrzjipUmeuUz62Z12
- Select “Continue”.
- Select the ellipsis icon beside the Property drop-down field.
- At the top of the new window, select “Add”.
- In the “Name” field, type in: Casino Arizona- DAILY
- In the “ID” field, type in: p8BndY5QFpX6G9h1H1wkIWLnCKj2
- Select “Save and Close”. You can now log into the application.
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