Outlook - Signature FAQs

Background Information

The signature block is active within Outlook. Review this Job Aide to learn how to add condensed signatures to reply/forward messages, and how to change plaint text to HTML. FAQs concerning signatures are listed at the bottom of this Job Aide.

NOTE: Initial signature blocks do not appear in new messages, however, once the message is sent, the signature block appears for the recipient. Send an email to yourself to review your initial signature block.

Add a Condensed Signature to Reply / Forward Messages

The signature block does include signatures for replies/forwards in email conversations. The following steps will walk you through adding your own condensed signature for replies and forwarded messages.

Please note, all signatures must have a consistent look and feel, so please follow all steps in this process.

  1. Send an email to yourself and select the message once received.
  2. Copy the first two lines of your full signature block.
  3. From the Home page, select File in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
  4. Select Options at the bottom of the left-hand navigation panel.
  5. The Outlook Options window opens.
    • Select Mail from the left-hand navigation panel.
    • Select Signatures under the Compose Messages section.
  6. The Signatures and Stationery window opens.
    • If you have existing signatures, please select the signature, and select Delete.
  7. To create a new condensed signature, select New
  8. Enter a name for the signature.
  9. Select OK.
  10. Place your cursor in the signature body field underneath the Edit signature section.
  11. Paste the copied first two lines of the new signature into the field.
  12. If desired, add a phone number or desk extension as exampled in the attached pdf.
  13. Underneath the Choose default signature section, select the Replies/forwards drop-down icon.
  14. Select the newly added signature.
  15. DO NOT edit the New messages signature section; this is left as (none). This will ensure that your messages will not have a double signature at the end of a message.
  16. Select Save below the Edit signature section. 
  17. Select OK.
  18. Select OK from the Outlook Options window.

Change Plaint Text Messages to HTML

Sometimes, signatures do not show the proper formatting (HTML), but plaint text instead. Please follow the next set of steps to overcome this issue.

  1. From the Home page, select File in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Select Options at the bottom of the left-hand navigation panel.
  3. The Outlook Options window opens.
    • Select Mail from the left-hand navigation panel.
    • Under the Compose Messages section, there is a Compose messages in this format drop-down.
    • Select the drop-down and select HTML.
    • Select OK from the Outlook Options window.

FAQs - Change Requests


Full names, including a formal first name and middle initial will be included in a signature. Name information is pulled directly from UKG, therefore any changes to a name must be submitted through UKG for the change to be reflected in a signature.

Phone Numbers:

Dedicated desk phone numbers have been added to signature lines, however, some team members do not have a dedicated line; this leaves the Telephone field in a signature blank.

Team members with direct lines have a direct phone number line listed. If preferred, a mobile phone number can be listed instead of a direct line.

Change Requests:

Change requests are to be directed to the IT Support Team by submitting a ticket through the Team Dynamix Ticketing System. This is the most efficient method of completing a change request.

  • Submit a ticket to the IT Department here: Team Dynamix IT Request
    • Point of Contact: field automatically generates your name.
    • Best Contact Number: enter your best contact number.
    • Location: enter location or select the Magnifying Glass icon to choose a location.
    • Title of Ticket: Signature Block Change Request
    • Description: enter any information regarding the change request, such as a phone number change and which phone number you’d like to have listed.
      • NOTE: T will remain as the field header for mobile numbers – it cannot be changed to M for Mobile or C for Cell.
    • Select Submit.


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