Background Information
This Job Aide will walk you through the process of activating your account with DocuSign.
- Locate the DocuSign email titled “Account Activation” in your email inbox.
- Select “Activate” option within email. A new window will open, taking you directly to DocuSign.
- Create your new password fitting the DocuSign Password Guidelines.
- Note: Rules for DocuSign passwords: must be at least 6 characters long & must not contain the characters <, > or spaces.
- Under the “Security Question” section, choose a desired security question and enter the answer in the box below.
- Select “Activate” option once all information entered.
- On next page under “Access Code”, enter access code: CAZ7830
- Note: Contact your system administrator if access code does not work or if you receive an error message.
- Select “Validate” option to validate access code.
- Once validated, your DocuSign account has been successfully activated.
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