DocuSign - Activating Your Account

Background Information

This Job Aide will walk you through the process of activating your account with DocuSign.


  1. Locate the DocuSign email titled “Account Activation” in your email inbox.
  2. Select “Activate” option within email. A new window will open, taking you directly to DocuSign.
  3. Create your new password fitting the DocuSign Password Guidelines.
    • Note: Rules for DocuSign passwords: must be at least 6 characters long & must not contain the characters <, > or spaces.
  4. Under the “Security Question” section, choose a desired security question and enter the answer in the box below.
  5. Select “Activate” option once all information entered.
  6. On next page under “Access Code”, enter access code: CAZ7830
    • Note: Contact your system administrator if access code does not work or if you receive an error message.
  7. Select “Validate” option to validate access code.
  8. Once validated, your DocuSign account has been successfully activated.


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