Door Access Application

Background Information

The Door Access Application will allow you to track employee’s entrance and exit of a property, especially useful during an emergency or disaster situation. This Job Aide will walk you through the steps of using the Door Access Application.

Logging Into the Device and Application

When using the Door Access Application, you should only be using the dedicated laptop programmed for this use. Log into the laptop using the following credentials;

Username – .\Door_Access           Password – Sec_Flood

You may be prompted with a pop-up screen to re-enter credentials. Use the same credentials a second time.

  1. Once you are at the desktop screen, double click the “TSR Disaster Badge-In Shortcut” Icon
  2. On the Check-In/Check-Out screen, click inside the text box titled “Employee UDCH”
  3. Have the Employee Swipe their badge with the ID Swipe attached.
  4. Verify the employee’s name and information that populates on the screen
  5. Once the employee’s information is verified select and click the appropriate action.
    • Select Check-In to check the employee in
    • Select Check-Out to check the employee out
  6. A Pop-up will verify you’ve completed the process

If an employee’s badge does not register upon swiping, manually enter the employees 5-Digit Access Control Badge UDCH number into the “Employee UDCH” text box line, and continue steps 3 through 6*

Do NOT log off the laptop, or close the application


If an employee accidentally swipes twice, do not back out of the program. Simply highlight their number on the “Employee UDCH” box and delete it. The employees name will still stay on the screen; however the next employee to swipe will override this.


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