Windows 10 - Recovering and Restoring Files / Folders

Background Information

This Job Aide will walk you through the steps of restoring files or folders. It is important to remember this process could override the existing version of your files and folders. Additionally you must ensure you have the appropriate access to perform the restore of your files or folders.

Restoring Files

  1. Locate the file you wish to restore
  2. Right-click the file
  3. Click Restore previous versions
  4. Select the time and date for the file you wish to restore
  5. Click Open to view the previous version of file to make sure this is the version you want to restore
  6. Once confirmed, close the file, and click Restore from the previous screen
  7. A pop-up screen will appear asking to confirm you want to restore the version of that file. This will override the existing file so be sure you want to proceed, as you will lose the current form of the file. Click Restore and your file will be restored to the previous version.

Recovering Files and Restoring Folders

Recovering lost files may be achieved by restoring the folder that contained the missing file or copying it directly from a previous version of that folder.

  1. Locate the folder you wish to restore
  2. Right click the folder
  3. Click restore previous versions
  4. Select the folder previous version time and date that you wish to restore to
  5. Click Open to view the folder and make sure this is the version you wish restore, or that the missing file is located within
  6. If you are only wanting to restore a missing file, you can find the missing file or folder, right click that item, copy it, and paste it to another folder or location
  7. Close this window and click cancel on the properties screen

Or if you want to restore the entire folder:

  1. Close the screen, and click Restore from the previous screen
  2. A pop-up screen will appear asking to confirm you want to restore the version of that folder. This will override the existing folder so be sure you want to proceed, as you will lose the current form of the folder. Click Restore and your folder will be restored to that version


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