Secure Print - Mobile Printing

Background Information

The IT department has implemented a new feature for mobile users with company issued cell phones called Mobile Print. This function will allow users with company issued cell phones to send a PDF to any copier configured with Secure Follow-Me Printing. This Job Aide will walk you through this process of using Mobile Printing.

Enroll in Secure Printing

  1. From your company issued device, go to your E-mail application.
  2. Create a new message (or forward existing message) to be sent.
  3. Address the E-mail To:
  4. Do not input any text in the E-mail (if you are forwarding an E-mail, be sure to delete all text).
  5. Attach the PDF you want printed (or if forwarding existing attachment, verify PDF is attached to new message).
  6. Send the E-mail.
    • You will receive an email every time you send a PDF with Mobile Print, similar to the one pictured. This is normal, you can disregard this email.
  7. At the copier, swipe your badge on the swipe pad.
  8. Select secure print.
  9. From the Queue, select the print job you’d like to print.
  10. Touch the “Print-Delete” button
  11. Retrieve your document(s) from the printer tray.
  12. Press the “Logout” button.


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