Finance - Processing Payroll

Background Information

This Job Aide outlines the steps for Processing Payroll on “Payroll Monday for employees who are part of the tip pool.

Step 1: Create Preliminary Kronos Reports

This step is performed to create a list of tips before the import from TMC is completed. This report will be used later to verify the tips that have been pulled from TMC.

  1. Sign on to Kronos
  2. Select Reports from the navigation pane
  3. Click Detail Genie
  4. Select Hours by Labor Account
  5. Select the Previous Pay Period Time Period
  6. Verify that the Show field displays All Home
  7. Press Run Report, this will take you to the Check Run Status tab
  8. Periodically press the Refresh Status button until the status is complete
  9. Double-click the Report to view it
  10. Print the last page of the report
  11. Repeat steps 2-10 from above except change the Show field to Terminated Employees prior to step 6
  12. Log off of Kronos

Step 2: E-Mail Tip Reporting Departments

All Tip Reporting departments should be contacted after employee hours have been imported from Kronos into TMC. This import occurs automatically after all Tip Reporting departments have resolved Missed Punches and Unapproved OT on their employee timecards.

  1. Send E-mail to coordinators from the Cage, Slots, Blackjack, and Poker departments
  2. In the e-mail requset that they:
    • Verify the information displayed on the Tip Hours Screen of TMC is accurate and make corrections if necessary
    • Contact Payroll when they have finished

Step 3: Process Tips in TMC

After all tip departments have verified and/or corrected hours. Payroll will access the Tip Status screen in TMC and export the tips into Microsoft Excel and Text documents.

  1. Logon to TMC
  2. Click the Area of reporting
  3. Choose the All Employees radio button
  4. Choose the appropriate Date Range including Week Start, Start Date, and End Date
  5. Press the Update button

Process Tips for McKellips

  1. Click the Tip Reporting button
  2. Click the MK Tip Status button
  3. Click the Process Tips button. (will display red X’s.)
  4. Click the Create Pay Records button (red X’s will become green checks.)

Process Tips for Indian Bend

  1. Click the Tip Reporting button
  2. Click the IB Tip Status button
  3. Click the Process Tips button. (will display red X’s.)
  4. Click the Create Pay Records button (red X’s will become green checks.)


  1. Click the Reports navigation button
  2. Click Tip Reconciliation Report
  3. Verify information is accurate
  4. Click F&B Tips Report
  5. Verify information is accurate

Step 4: Create Export File of Tips from TMC

This step will upload the TMC tips.

  1. Click the Time Cards navigation button
  2. Click the Payroll Dates button
  3. Click the Cycle 1 radio button
  4. Set the correct Frequency
  5. Set the correct Start Date
  6. Verify the End Date is correct and then
  7. Press Save Changes Button.
  8. Press Tip Upload to Kronos button, this will open the Payroll Parameters window
  9. Click the Browse button
  10. Double-click the C:\ folder
  11. Click the CETEC folder
  12. Click the KronosExport.exp file
  13. Click OK
  14. In the Payroll Cycle drop-down, select 1
  15. Verify the Start and End Dates
  16. Click the OK Button.
  17. The file will now be uploaded to the Kronos Server.

Step 5: Run Kronos Connect Interface

After the Tip Upload file has been created, it must be imported into Kronos by following these steps.

  1. Open Kronos Connect
  2. Select Run Interface (lightning bolt)
  3. Verify that you are in the W:\Connect\Interfaces folder
  4. Select interface ‘Tips_Upload.KNI’ and click Open
  5. Screen should display ‘Completed Successfully’ when completed
  6. Close Kronos Connect
  7. Sign in to Kronos Workforce
  8. Rerun Step 1 steps 3-9 and balance tips from above
  9. Research errors
  10. Call F&B Coordinator at 7892 to let her know tips are loaded

Step 6: Create Export File of Time & Attendance From Kronos

This step is not performed until Tuesday, after F&B has completed entry of additional tips into Kronos, and after all other edits/additional entry had been completed in Kronos. This process exports payroll data in Kronos for the Pay Period to an export file that can be uploaded into Infinium for Payroll processing.

  1. Check with clerks to ensure that all adjustments are made in Kronos.
  2. Sign on to Kronos Workforce
  3. Select Payroll Close from the Navigaton pane
  4. Select Actions and select all
  5. Select Approvals and Sign-off
  6. Press Refresh until there are no numbers in the No Signed Off column
  7. Run Kronos Report in Step 1 number 3 and print complete report.
  8. Add an After F&B column to column F of the Excel Pivot Chart created on Payroll Monday
  9. Copy the data from the Kronos reports onto this chart
  10. Reconcile the Before F&B and After F&B columns
  11. Log off of Kronos Workforce

Step 7: Upload Export File of Time & Attendance From Kronos

This step uploads the file.

  1. Open Kronos Connect
  2. Select Run Interface (lightening bolt)
  3. Navigate to the W:\Connect\Interfaces folder
  4. Select InfiniumCAZfinal.KNI and click open
  5. After a few moments, a dialog box will appear stating that the interface Ran Successfully
  6. Print this screen that shows this window
  7. Click OK
  8. Print Last Summary Report
  9. Close Kronos Connect

Step 8: Infinum

  1. Login to the Payroll module of Infinium
  2. From the Infinium Payroll menu, select Create T&A File from Kronos
  3. In the Employer field, type 001
  4. In the Period Ending Date, type the date on which the pay period ended (MMDDYYY format)
  5. Press Enter, this will return you to the Main Menu
  6. Press Shift + F12 to Work with Jobs
  7. In the Work with Submitted Jobs window, type a 6 in the CRT_TIME job field and press Enter
  8. When the process has completed, a status message will appear at the bottom of the window
  9. Press F3 to return to the main menu
  10. Press Shift + F6 to open the Work with output
  11. Press Shift + F6 to move to the bottom of the list of Jobs
  12. Type a 5 in the Opt field next to the job with User Data of CUG030
  13. The Display Spooled File list screen will display


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