Background Information
Employees can only be assigned uniforms if they are listed in the Uniform System system. This Job Aid outlines how to add employees into the Uniform System system and how to assign them uniforms.
Adding Employees Into Uniform System
- Double click the Uniform System icon from your desktop
- Click the Login User button
- Type your username and password
- Click the OK button, this will open the Main Menu
- Move your mouse over the Employees button and click Add Employees from the pop-out menu
- Complete all fields on the Add Employees window
- For Resort employees click the Yes radio button next to Slot Number, this will automatically assign a slot number based on the employee’s Department and Job
- Choose the following options based on the employee’s location:
Talking Stick
Slot Number
Take Home
One for One
- After completing all fields, press the Save button
- After all employees have been added, click the Back button twice to return to the Main M
Assigning and Unassigning Uniforms
After the employee has been added into Uniform System, uniforms are issued based on guidelines set by the department. All items are scanned by the Uniform department and assigned to the employee who must sign off that they have been received.
- From the Uniform System Main Menu, move your mouse over the Employees button and click Find Employees from the pop-out menu
- Type the employee’s badge number in the Employee ID field, this will highlight the name of the employee
- Press the View button
- Press the Activity button to issue a new uniform
- Press the Assign/Pickup button to assign uniforms to an employee, press the Unassign button to unassign uniforms
- Scan the barcode of the item to be issued
- After all items have been assigned, press the Capture Signature button
- Have the employee sign the electronic signature capture device
- Click the Print button and choose Assignment Report from the pop out menu
- Change the number of copies to 2 then press the Printer button, give the employee one copy of the report, and attach the other copy to the Uniform Issuance form
- Click the Back button twice, then click the Exit button to logout of UNIFORM SYSTEM
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