InfoGenesis - rGuest Pay Terminal

Background Information

The Infogenesis rGuest Pay device is an additional device that is connected to the existing POS terminal. The new rGuest Pay device is the first gateway to receive
PCI-P2PE validation, which provides a more secure transaction in credit card processing. Credit card data processed through rGuest Pay provides an encrypted transmittal of information. This protects our Guests’ credit card information, as well as protecting CAZ/TSR from liability of stolen data.

Device Selection

The following chart displays the type of transactions that should be processed on each device moving forward.

Cards should be only be swiped at this time –chip reader is not yet available.

POS Terminal

rGuest Pay Device

Agilysis Card

Debit Card

TSR/CAZ Gift Card

Credit Card

Player’s Reward Cards

Credit Card company Gift Cards


Manual Entry of a Card

If a situation arises that requires you to manually enter a card, on the iPP320 and iSC 250 devices perform the following steps.

  1. After selecting the Tender, Press the F1 key on the device.
    • Note:  The iSC250 device does not have an F1 key.
  2. Using the keypad on the device, enter the credit card number with no spaces or dashes. Press the GREEN Enter Key.
  3. Using the keypad on the device,  enter the expiration date in the format MM/YY.  Press the GREEN Enter Key.
  4. Using the keypad on the device,  enter the CVV code from the back of the card (if you do not have the card , enter 000.  Press the GREEN Enter Key.
  5. The credit card information will then be processed.  When the sale is completed you will be return to the main screen.


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