DataMagine - Audit Document Processing

Processing a SDS Change Request

  1. Double click on the DataMagine Client icon to display the DataMagine Client Logon screen.
  2. Enter your Windows User Name and Password. Click OK or press the Enter key.
  3. The DataMagine toolbar appears. Click on the DocFlow Inbox icon to display jobs in the Inbox.
  4. Your DocFlow Inbox will display jobs that need your approval. Double click on the job to view the change request document.
  5. The Job Information box and the first image of the document are displayed. (If necessary, closing the document can be done by clicking on the icon - square w/ X on corner)
  6. Use the Page Up/Down keys to review each change request page.
  7. Once the change request document has been reviewed click on the Double Check icon to accept all pages.
  8. Click on the green arrow to approve the change request document.
  9. A password box appears, enter your Windows password and click OK.
  10. An approval stamp with your name, date and time is placed on the approved document.
  11. The job is routed to the Slots Department and removed from your DocFlow Inbox.


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