Processing a SDS Change Request
- Double click on the DataMagine Client icon to display the DataMagine Client Logon screen.
- Enter your Windows User Name and Password. Click OK or press the Enter key.
- The DataMagine toolbar appears. Click on the DocFlow Inbox icon to display jobs in the Inbox.
- Your DocFlow Inbox will display jobs that need your approval. Double click on the job to view the change request document.
- The Job Information box and the first image of the document are displayed. (If necessary, closing the document can be done by clicking on the icon - square w/ X on corner)
- Use the Page Up/Down keys to review each change request page.
- Once the change request document has been reviewed click on the Double Check icon to accept all pages.
- Click on the green arrow to approve the change request document.
- A password box appears, enter your Windows password and click OK.
- An approval stamp with your name, date and time is placed on the approved document.
- The job is routed to the Slots Department and removed from your DocFlow Inbox.
To review images or save/download/print a copy of this Job Aide, please select the pdf attachment.