Background Information
This Job Aide reviews the ways to import a Document into DataMagine as well as append a Document or create a DocFlow Job.
Importing a Document Into DataMagine
- Before importing any document into DataMagine, ensure the document is saved as a PDF file.
- Go to the website:
- Login using your Windows username and password.
- The DataMagine home page appears. From this page, there are two options to import a document(s).
- Option 1: Navigate to your document file location. Click, hold, drag and drop the file onto the DataMagine home page.
- Option 2: Select Browse. Navigate to file location, select the file and select Open.
- Once a document is imported, you can edit the document as needed.
- Select File, then select Save.
Appending a Document
- From the DataMagine home page, select the Append to DocFlow Job icon from the left navigational bar.
- If a document is not already open on the right side, click into the Select a DocFlow Job field to search for a document to append.
- If a document is already open on the right side, leave Current Document selected.
- Select Append.
Creating a DocFlow Job
You may create a DocFlow Job if you have the appropriate access. If you do not see the icon for Create DocFlow Job, you do not have the permissions to use this function.
- From the DataMagine home page, select the Create DocFlow Job icon from the left navigational bar.
- Complete all required fields indicated with a red asterisk.
- Enter Job Name.
- Select a Routing Destination.
- Select the Templates drop-down menu and select a template if needed.
- Select a Break Page(s) option.
- Select Create.
- Return to your DocFlow Job Inbox.
- Locate and open the DocFlow Job you just created.
- To insert or remove pages, select the Thumbnail icon to open a view of all page(s) of a document.
- Scroll up or down to access pages.
- Right click and select Insert to insert a page, including a blank page.
- Right click to insert, append or delete a page using the given icons.
- Once the document has been fully reviewed, select the Single Document Approval icon from the left navigational bar.
To review images or save/download/print a copy of this Job Aide, please select the pdf attachment.