DataMagine - Importing a Document to DataMagine

Background Information

This Job Aide reviews the ways to import a Document into DataMagine as well as append a Document or create a DocFlow Job.

Importing a Document Into DataMagine

  1. Before importing any document into DataMagine, ensure the document is saved as a PDF file.
  2. Go to the website:
  3. Login using your Windows username and password.
  4. The DataMagine home page appears. From this page, there are two options to import a document(s).
    1. Option 1: Navigate to your document file location. Click, hold, drag and drop the file onto the DataMagine home page.
    2. Option 2: Select Browse. Navigate to file location, select the file and select Open.
  5. Once a document is imported, you can edit the document as needed.
  6. Select File, then select Save.

Appending a Document

  1. From the DataMagine home page, select the Append to DocFlow Job icon from the left navigational bar.
  2. If a document is not already open on the right side, click into the Select a DocFlow Job field to search for a document to append.
  3. If a document is already open on the right side, leave Current Document selected.
  4. Select Append.

Creating a DocFlow Job

You may create a DocFlow Job if you have the appropriate access. If you do not see the icon for Create DocFlow Job, you do not have the permissions to use this function.

  1. From the DataMagine home page, select the Create DocFlow Job icon from the left navigational bar.
  2. Complete all required fields indicated with a red asterisk.
    • Enter Job Name.
    • Select a Routing Destination.
    • Select the Templates drop-down menu and select a template if needed.
    • Select a Break Page(s) option.
  3. Select Create.
  4. Return to your DocFlow Job Inbox.
  5. Locate and open the DocFlow Job you just created.
  6. To insert or remove pages, select the Thumbnail icon to open a view of all page(s) of a document.
    • Scroll up or down to access pages.
    • Right click and select Insert to insert a page, including a blank page.
    • Right click to insert, append or delete a page using the given icons.
  7. Once the document has been fully reviewed, select the Single Document Approval icon from the left navigational bar.


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