CMP - Set Audit Date

Background Information

There have been occurrences where Audited Days data have been voided/deleted which causes extra hours in work efforts to redo or recover, as well as investigate. Once set, all table accounting transactions that are older than the audit date are not displayed and cannot be voided. This setting prevents unauthorized users from voiding transactions after accounting has completed its audit.

Set Audit Date Functionality

User Must Have Security Code: SetAuditDate

  1. From the Accounting Application Module within CMP, select Accounting.
  2. Click the radio button for Locations in the Casino IND, or MCK, to enable the viewing of all tables.

Set Audit Date

  1. Select Set Audit Date from the Jump To menu and click Go.
    • Note: This is by Casino and not by table. It doesn't matter what table is selected on the listing for tables.
  2. Select the desired Casino and Audit Date from the drop-down list
  3. Click Submit. The audit date is set.

Note: If the Audit Date is set to current gaming day, if today were 5/17/2019, no one from the Count Team, Table Games, etc. would not be able to VOID transactions from current gaming day. The Audit Team would need to go back into CMP and Set the Audit Date to 5/16/2019 or whatever day when the last audit was done. IT is just acting as a backup to this process, with having access to Set Audit Date, and IT will NOT touch Set Audit Date without proper authorization from the Audit Manager or Director of Finance.


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