Be sure you are logged in, not another employee.
- Search for the Player Account in the Player Window
- Select the Player account
- Press F5 to issue a Authorize Comp Expense
- Select a Prize from the drop down menu.
- Leave the Qty as 1.
- Enter Comp Amount (i.e. - 5.00), hit ENTER
- Select an Outlet from drop down, if sending a customer to a certain location.
- Printed Remarks note the following:
- First Initial, Last Name, Comp #
- Private Remarks will only be seen by Casino Employees.
- Select Auth Dept in lower right hand corner and click Submit to print the voucher.
Effective November 28, 2011
Complimentary services or items may be approved/authorized using the following methods:
- Comp Stamps; (Maintained by Finance, Individually assigned to authorized compors)
- Comp Request Form; (Located on the intranet)
- Manual Comp Slips; (Maintained by Linda Robles in Administration)
- System Generated Comps; (Generated in CMP, Printed from Boca printers)
- Authorized Signature Comps; and
- Gift Certificates (Maintained by Linda Robles in Administration)
Please Note:
- Drink tickets are no longer an acceptable method of comping.
- As a guest courtesy, unexpired drink tickets should continue to be honored.
- All Point of Sale (POS) receipts should be stamped, signed, & include the InfoGenesis comp number.
- Except for MOD’s and Directors & above, Comp Stamps will be rotated on a semi-annual basis.
- Manual Comp Slips should primarily be used when patrons are not members of the players club, when the player tracking system (CMP) is down or by non-gaming compors.
- Comp Request Forms should primarily be used for advanced Hotel/Resort accommodations.
- System Generated Comps should be used by all gaming compors with access to CMP.
- Authorized Signature Comps should primarily be used for comping a guest recovery.
- Gift Certificates should primarily be used by Sales & Marketing, Public Relations or Executive compors for the purpose of comping specific Enterprise amenities to outside parties, charitable functions, donations, contest winners, prospective convention/banquet clients, etc., to be redeemed on a future date.
Please refer to the Comp Policy and Procedures located on the Intranet for further details.
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