CMP - Issuing a Comp

Tags CMP Comp


Be sure you are logged in, not another employee.

  1. Search for the Player Account in the Player Window
  2. Select the Player account
  3. Press F5 to issue a Authorize Comp Expense
  4. Select a Prize from the drop down menu.
  5. Leave the Qty as 1.
  6. Enter Comp Amount (i.e. - 5.00), hit ENTER
  7. Select an Outlet from drop down, if sending a customer to a certain location.
  8. Printed Remarks note the following:
    • First Initial, Last Name, Comp #
  9. Private Remarks will only be seen by Casino Employees.
  10. Select Auth Dept in lower right hand corner and click Submit to print the voucher.


Effective November 28, 2011

Complimentary services or items may be approved/authorized using the following methods:

  1. Comp Stamps; (Maintained by Finance, Individually assigned to authorized compors)
  2. Comp Request Form; (Located on the intranet)
  3. Manual Comp Slips; (Maintained by Linda Robles in Administration)
  4. System Generated Comps; (Generated in CMP, Printed from Boca printers)
  5. Authorized Signature Comps; and
  6. Gift Certificates (Maintained by Linda Robles in Administration)

Please Note:

  • Drink tickets are no longer an acceptable method of comping.
  • As a guest courtesy, unexpired drink tickets should continue to be honored.
  • All Point of Sale (POS) receipts should be stamped, signed, & include the InfoGenesis comp number.
  • Except for MOD’s and Directors & above, Comp Stamps will be rotated on a semi-annual basis.
  • Manual Comp Slips should primarily be used when patrons are not members of the players club, when the player tracking system (CMP) is down or by non-gaming compors.
  • Comp Request Forms should primarily be used for advanced Hotel/Resort accommodations.
  • System Generated Comps should be used by all gaming compors with access to CMP.
  • Authorized Signature Comps should primarily be used for comping a guest recovery.
  • Gift Certificates should primarily be used by Sales & Marketing, Public Relations or Executive compors for the purpose of comping specific Enterprise amenities to outside parties, charitable functions, donations, contest winners, prospective convention/banquet clients, etc., to be redeemed on a future date.

Please refer to the Comp Policy and Procedures located on the Intranet for further details.


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