CMP - Account Lookup

Tags CMP Account

Background Information

Casino Arizona patrons are rewarded for their consistent play by accruing Player Rewards Club points. As points accrue, players achieve a higher status and may be eligible for benefits and cash rewards. This Job Aid outlines how to identify a player’s status and how many points he or she has accrued.

Checking Player Rewards Club Tier

  1. Open Casino Marketplace
  2. Type your User name and Password then press Enter
  3. In the location field choose your location (Front Desk staff can select IBOOTH)
  4. Press the Submit button to log in
  5. Open the Application menu and select Players to open the Directory Search window (shown below)
  6. Type the person’s last name, comma, and then initial of first name in the text box at the top of the window.
  7. Press Enter on your keyboard to display results and see what Club Tier the player is on.

Checking Player Year-to-Date (YTD) Points

The Player Rewards Club program is based off of the points a guest has earned in the previous 12 months. To see the number of YTD points a guest has, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the player in the Directory Search window.
  2. Right-click the LTD Points column heading
  3. Choose YTD Points
  4. Point Totals will now reflect Year-To-Date points

NOTE: Since Club level is based on YTD points, this status can change without regular play.

Player Rewards Club Reference




1 - 24,999


25,000 - 99,999


100,000 - 249,999


250,000 - 749,999


750,000 - 1,499,999


1,500,000 +

Earning Points

  • 1 point for each $1 they play

Redeeming Points

  • 500 points is equal to $1.00
  • Minimum redemption for cash is 5,000 points ($10)

Club Rewards

Please see table for Club Rewards details within the attached pdf.


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