SDS - Pouch Pay Forms

Tags SDS Pouch-Pay

Background Information

When paying out jackpots using the Pouch Banks, several forms are required in order to maintain integrity and consistency through the process.  Please note that Pouch Pays are only allowed for Jackpots of $1199.00 or less.

  Jackpot Request Slip Jackpot Slip Buy Slip Countdown Sheet Variance Slip
When Completed Anytime that a patron hits a jackpot.  This form is completed by the Keyperson. Periodically throughout shift.  Printed out from SDS by the Keyperson. Whenever pouch bank is running low on currency.  This form is completed by the Keyperson. At the start and end of the Slot Keyperson shift.  Completed by incoming Keyperson, and a second verifier. At the end of the Keyperson shift.  Completed anytime the pouch bank contents do not total to exactly $8,000.
Required Sections Form must be completed entirely, no blanks. Leave blank

Time, Workstation, Drawer Number, Shift, Date, To

Mute Currency



Name, Workstation, Drawer Number, Shift, Date

Currency Section


Incoming Cashier

Outgoing Cashier

Form must be completed entirely.  Comments must be included on all Variance Slips.
White Copy Goes Drop box during shift Drop Box during shift

Keyperson during shift

Audit Drop Box at end of shift

Keyperson during shift

Audit Drop Box at end of shift

Cage at end of shift
Duplicate Copy Goes Pink copy sold to Cage with a Buy Slip Yellow copy sold to Cage with a Buy Slip Cage will keep yellow copy after each buy

Stored in Pouch Bank locker

Slot Dept at end of shift

Slot Dept at end of shift


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