OneLink - Media Manager

Background Information

Media Manager is a web-based program used to make changes to the Paltronics displays at the Casino.

Adding a New Change

  1. Login to Paltronics One Link:
  2. Select the Channels tab
  3. Click Add from the Task list, this will open the Channel Details window, add the following information:
    • Type a Channel  number that is not being used
    • Add a Channel Name
    • Add a  channel Code
    • Click Save
  4. Click OK when told that “Channel saved”
  5. Highlight the Channel from the list
  6. Click  Modify Script from the Tasks list
  7. Click Enable Designer from the Task List
  8. Change the resolution to 410 x 307
  9. Drag  items from the Media Library directly onto the stage, this will open the New Content window
  10. Choose the correct Media type then click OK
  11. Click Save from the Tasks list
  12. Click OK when told that “Channel Saved”

Authorize Display

  1. Click the Floor tab
  2. Click the display where the channel is to be displayed
  3. Click Modify Resident Channels from the Tasks list, this will open the Modify Resident Channels window
  4. Check the appropriate channel number, click OK
  5. Click OK when prompted “Resident Channels set”
  6. Click Publish Changes from the Task List
  7. Click OK when told that “Changes published”
  8. The display will be updated


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