SDS - Pouch Pay Procedures

Tags SDS Pouch-Pay

Background Information

All Keypeople have two SDS accounts, one for Salt River and one for Talking Stick Resort.  Even though the SDS Employee ID is the same for each site, the passwords must be managed separately.  For example, changing a password while logged in at Salt River will not change the password at Talking Stick Resort, this must be changed separately.

Logging Into SDS

  1. From the Connect menu, select Connect
  2. The Connections window will open, press the Connect button
  3. When prompted for a “login”, type sds and press Enter
  4. Enter the password for SDS and press Enter
  5. Type your four-digit SDS Employee ID, press Enter
  6. Type your password, press Enter
  7. Press Enter to log in to SDS
  8. When SDS indicates that login was successful, press Enter
  9. Use the arrow keys to select the appropriate change booth (these numbers will be posted at the workstation)
  10. Use the space bar to select the change booth location
  11. When prompted Do you need to print slips?,  type Y and press Enter
  12. When prompted Where will slips be printed?  type the appropriate location and press Enter (location will be posted at Workstation)
  13. Press Enter to arrive at a Command? Prompt

Logging Out of SDS

  1. While at a Command Prompt, type EX and press Enter

Changing SDS Passwords

Every 90 days users are required to change their passwords.If possible, Keypeople should make efforts to change their Salt River and TSR passwords on the same day to avoid confusion.

  1. Login to SDS at McKellips or Indian Bend
  2. Enter your four-digit SDS Employee ID, press Enter
  3. Enter your password, press Enter
  4. Press C to change your password
  5. Type in your new password, press enter
  6. Type in your new password again, press enter
  7. Press Enter to login to SDS, or press Ctrl + C to exit
  8. If desired, login to SDS at the other property and change your password.

Generate a Jackpot Slip in SDS

  1. Login to SDS with user name and password
  2. Type JA for jackpot at the Command? Prompt
  3. Type  Employee ID, press Enter
  4. Type D, S, or G  for day, swing, or grave shift
  5. Enter the S/M Number (Slot Machine)
  6. Type the sequence number (J number) of the pending jackpot , and press Enter
  7. Confirm the amount shown
  8. Press Enter if no dollar adjustment is necessary
  9. To print more Jackpot Slips, press Enter to arrive at a command prompt, otherwise press Ctrl + C


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