Background Information
If the Cummins machine fails to automatically upload the count file to SDS, most commonly it is due to a formatting issue. This Job Aide walks through the steps to correctly format and manually upload the corrected file to SDS.
Main Topic
The three elements to this process are as follows, and are broken out into three sections of this Job Aide.
- Copy the file from the Cummins machine
- Fix the file
- Manually upload the file into SDS
Copy the File from the Cummins Machine
The objective of this step is to properly copy the master batch file from “MPS1”.
Note: The IP address for each property is:
- From the Start menu of your device, open “File Explorer”.
- In the top bar, put “\\” and the IP address for your property, and press enter.
- You will now be prompted to enter credentials. Enter your credentials in the following format and press enter:
- Username: ipaddress\cuser
- Password: 111111
- Once you’ve entered the credentials, open the Shared folder.
- Sort by the most recent date by clicking “Date Modified” and locate the file that has a “Date Modified” that matches the current date. Right click the file and click “copy”.
- Note: The filename with either be csbatch.xml or cs22071201.The numbers after “CS” represent the date and room number – 22 07 12 01 is 2022-07-12, and room number 01.
- In the quick access pane, click on “Downloads, then right click and click “paste”.
Fix the File
The follow steps will be the processes for the most common fix:
- Right click the file and select “edit with notepad++”.
- Once the file is open, check for the “Box 00000” issue.
- At the top of the file, around line 5, there will be a box with slotNumber=”00000”
- To fix this problem, delete the line that contains <BillCassette slotnumber=”00000” & also the line that contains </BillCassette>. Once completed, the same section should look the example within the attached pdf.
- Click “File” and click “Save As”. Select the “Downloads” folder, and a prompt will ask if you would like to overwrite the previous file. Click “Yes”.
Manually Upload the File to SDS
- Open SDS and go to “Soft Count” and click “Upload”.
- In the “Upload XML” section, click “Browse”.
- In the navigation window, click “Downloads” and select the file you modified in the previous “Fix the File” section of this Job Aide, and click Open.
- Click “Upload XML”.
- You should see the Upload Status bar start progressing. Once the upload is finished the Upload Status will inform you the upload is complete.
- Once the file has been successfully uploaded into SDS, select Notepad++, close both the Notepad tab and Notepad++ program.
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