Bravo Notify - Update a Mobile Number

Tags Bravo Notify

Background Information

The purpose of this Job Aide is to allow Poker Room Management Staff to remove their number from receiving notifications whenever a player moves tables and performs actions that trigger notifications.

Accessing and Navigating Within Bravo Notify

Log into Bravo Tournament Watch

  1. The Bravo Notify program shortcut will will be available on desktops of users with appropriate access.
  2. Open the App and enter credentials.  User ID and Password are Case Sensitive. Your CGL# Badge ID minus any leading 0’s is your User ID.
    • Example: if you badge is 00-01234, the User ID is 1234.  If it were 10-12345, the User ID is 1012345.
  3. Click OK.

Upon Successful Login

  1. Under Employees, the employees (Supervisors)  will be listed  that have notifications set up  or have been entered into Bravo Notify.
  2. Click on the Employee name to see which Poker Players are set up for notification to that Supervisor Employee’s Mobile.
  3. The bottom-half of the screen will list Player Names,  Player IDs, and which notification is being sent from 3 actions listed: 
    • Poker Checkin
    • Pit Buy-In (***not really used)
    • Pit W/L (***not really used)
  4. The Note column will have an Edit button which allows Superivosr to add notes.
  5. Click OK when done entering Notes.

Add a Player for Notifications to Supervisor's Cell

  1. Click on Add Customer button
  2. Choose Customer from Search List.

Delete a Player from Notifications to Supervisor's Cell

  1. Check the checkbox next to PlayerID
  2. Click Delete checked button.


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