Background Information
The purpose of this Job Aide is to allow Poker Cage Users to Set Default Printer to EPSON within Tournament Watch. Tournament Watch is the Tournament Registration Application for Poker. To sell Tournament Tickets, each Cage employee must set the Printer. This process is only required the first time, and should retain settings for that user.
Set Printer
Log into Bravo Tournament Watch:
- The Bravo Notify program shortcut will be available on desktops of users with appropriate access .
- Open the App and enter credentials. User ID and Password are Case Sensitive. Your CGL# Badge ID minus any leading 0’s is your User ID.
- Example: if your badge is 00-01234, the User ID is 1234. If it were 10-12345, the User ID is 1012345.
- Click OK.
Upon Successful Login:
- Upon first login, a prompt will appear for printer setup.
- The prompt will fade. Click File and then click on Set Printer, as shown to the left. The Set Printer screen will appear.
- Under Select Printer, click the drop-down menu and select EPSON. Click OK.
- After this has been done Set Printer has been done you are able to sell seats for tournaments and receipts will print successfully on sells.
Set Printer for Reprints and Voids:
- From the Tournaments menu option at the top of the screen, choose Player List, as shown to the left..
- From the Tournament Entry List drop-down, select the appropriate tournament.
- To void an entry, click in the checkbox at the appropriate player.
- A prompt will appear for confirmation to the changes. Click Yes.
- A VOID receipt will print out of of the EPSON printer.
- Follow normal Cage process for handling of void receipts for voided sells.
- * Voided items will also show up on the Cashier Reports.
Reprint a Voided Receipt:
- From the Tournament Players option, click on Player List. Click Edit Custom.
- Note: This is ONLY for already Voided sells
- Click Reprint Void from the Customer Data screen
- Note: Same reprint procedures can be done for reprinting regular receipts.
- After the reprint has been completed, Poker Cage Cashier can close/exit out of this section and return to Registration.
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