Visual One - Reservations

Background Information

Individual reservations may be processed by the Reservations group or Front Desk. Reservations are created in Visual One and can be accomplished by following the steps outlined in this Job Aide.

Creating a Reservation

Step 1: Check Availability

  1. Press the Enter New reservation button, this will open the Stay Record window
  2. Choose the Arrival Date
  3. Choose the number of Nights
  4. Press the Avail button, this will open the General Availability window
  5. Review the Bottom Line Availability
  6. Check for any Restrictions for the selected dates
  7. Click the Tariff Availability tab to see what room types are available at each tariff
  8. Choose the desired Tariff (TS0-TS8)
  9. Verify availability for desired room type

Step 2: Verify Room Rates

  1. Verify/Update the number of guests to ensure accurate pricing
  2. Press the Process button, this will change the window to Stay Availability
  3. Double-click the desired room rate in the Rates tab, this will re-open the Stay Record window

Step 3: Add Guest Information

  1. Click the Hold button to take the room out of availability
  2. Press the Guest Info and Search button 
  3. Search for the guest by last name
  4. Select the correct guest name
  5. If there is no match, create a new Guest Information record
  6. Complete all required fields in the Guest Information window

Step 4: Process and Confirm Reservation

  1. Press the Save button, this will open the Reservation Recap window containing the readback
  2. Verify the following information with the guest:
    • Dates of stay
    • Number of guests
    • Room type
    • Room rate
    • Total charges after taxes


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