Visual One - Post Deposits, Payments and Refunds

Background Information

This Job Aide will assist you with posting deposits, payments and refunds using Visual One.

Post a Deposit

Any time you are posting a payment for a reservation that has NOT been checked in yet, meaning it is still in RESERVATION status, even if the party is arriving that day.

Only when the reservation has already been checked in, and is in FOLIO status.

Post the Deposit

  1. Ensure the status of the reservation is “Reservation” (RESV).
  2. Navigate to the Gold Coin to open the Post screen.
  3. Select the Post Type DEPOSIT, then the correct form of payment (DEP CASH, DEP CHECK, DEP AMERICN EXPRESS, DEP VISA, DEP MASTERCARD, etc.).
  4. Post the DEPOSIT to the appropriate folio (in most cases folio #4 is the best).
  5. Be sure to set up the folio split definition to match what the deposit is intended for, and that it matches the folio # where the deposit was placed. In the example in the attached pdf, the deposit is for room, tax and resort fee, so it was placed in folio # and the folio split definition was set-up accordingly.

Post a Payment

  1. Ensure that the status of the reservation is “Folio” (FOL).
  2. Click on the Gold Coin.
  3. Select the Post Type PAYMENT, and select the correct form of payment (PAY CASH, PAY CHECK, PAY AMERICN EXPRESS, PAY VISA, PAY MASTERCARD, etc.).
  4. Post the PAYMENT to the appropriate folio (in most cases folio #4 is the best).
  5. Be sure to set up the folio split definition to match what the deposit it intended for and that it matches the folio # where the deposit was placed. In the example below, the deposit is for room, tax and resort fee, so it was placed in folio # and the folio split definition was set-up accordingly.


Credit Card: Refunding a Deposit Status = Reservation (RESV)

  1. When refunding a DEPOSIT and the Reservation is still in RESERVATION (RSV) status,
    you MUST ensure that you are posting the refund as a DEPOSIT.
  2. Click the Gold Coin.
  3. There are two ways to refund a deposit. 
    • Utilize the “One-Time Correction” function. Enter the correct amount that was to be charged and it will automatically correct the posting for you in the original post type.
    • OR You can go through the Manager’s Adjustment. Ensure you are using post type DEPOSIT and the original method of payment to refund the charge.

Credit Card: Refunding a Deposit Status = Folio (FOL) & Historical (HIST)

  1. When refunding a DEPOSIT to a credit card and the Reservation is in FOLIO (FOL) or in HISTORICAL (HIST) you MUST ensure that you are posting the refund as a PAYMENT.
  2. Click the Gold Coin.
    • If the status is FOLIO (FOL) you can still use the “One-Time Correction” function. Enter the correct amount that was to be charged and it will automatically correct the posting for you in the original post type used.
    • If the STATUS is HISTORICAL (HIST) you must utilize the Manager’s Adjustment.  Ensure you are using post type PAYMENT and select the original method of payment to refund the charge.

Cash: Refunding a Deposit Any Status (RESV, FOL, HIST)

  1. When refunding a cash DEPOSIT & PAYMENT, you will ALWAYS use the Guest Refund post type.
  2. Click on the Gold Coin.
  3. Select the Post type ACCOUNTING and then select GUEST REFUND.

Important Note

If you make a mistake and make an incorrect deposit/payment based on the status of the reservation, you will have to weigh out if the posting can actually be corrected without negatively impacting the guest.

  • If it is a cash deposit/payment, the posting can easily be corrected as long as the Agent/User who made the original posting is present, as their user name and password is required. The correction must go under their name to ensure their bank is correct.
  • If it is a credit card payment/deposit that was done incorrectly, it is unlikely that the posting can be corrected, as it will cause the guest to be double authorized and hold up additional funds, which may put them in a financial situation. If the incorrect post type is used for a deposit/payment and it cannot be corrected, please email the following individuals in Finance to inform them of the error:
    • Accounting Manager (Matthew Crawford)
    • Audit Manager (Marianne Cashoya)
    • Assistant Controller (Dawn Howard)
    • CC: Front Office Managers (if it is a Front Desk error)


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