Visual One - Maintenance Reports

Background Information

This Job Aide outlines the steps for generating the most common Hotel Room Reports for the Maintenance Department. It also includes the steps required to place rooms in Out of Order status and to remove them from this status.

Room Snapshot Report

  1. Login to Visual One
  2. Open the Rooms menu, and select Room Snapshot
  3. Type the Room number
  4. Press the Guest Search Button 
  5. When complete, press the Exit Screen button
Status Definitions Condition Definitions

O - Occupied

V - Vacant

X – Out of Order

N – Discrepant Room

D - Dirty

C - Clean

I - Inspected

P - Pickup

R – Attendant in Room

Checking Room Status

  1. Login to Visual One
  2. Press the Room Scan button
  3. Press O in the Status section (this will list all Occupied rooms)
  4. Press the Play button
  5. The report will open in a new window
  6. When complete, press the Exit Screen button

Viewing Out of Order Rooms Report

  1. Login to Visual One
  2. Open the Reports menu, highlight Out of Order Rooms, and select Out of Order Rooms
  3. Select the appropriate From and To date range
  4. Press the Process Print Options button 
  5. From the Out of Order Rooms Print Options press Preview 
  6. From the Out of Order Rooms Print Preview

Placing a Room Into Out of Order Status

  1. Login to Visual One
  2. Open the Settings menu, and select Set Out of Order/Do Not Sell
  3. Type the Room or Range of Rooms
  4. Press the Set Room Range button
  5. Verify that the Y/N checkbox is selected for the desired room
  6. Select the appropriate Start and End Date
  7. Choose one of these Status Type
    • Planned Out of Order
    • Emergency Out of Order
  8. Type the reason for the change in the Reason field
  9. Press the Process Dates button
  10. Press the Exit Screen button 

Removing a Room From Out of Order Status

  1. Login to Visual One
  2. Open the Settings menu, and select Set Out of Order/Do Not Sell
  3. Type the Room or Range of Rooms
  4. Press the Set Room Range button
  5. Select the appropriate Start and End Date
  6. Press the Process Dates button
  7. Check the box(s) for which the room is no longer Out of Order
  8. Press the Delete button 
  9. Press the Exit Screen button  ​​​​​


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