Visual One - Guest Complaints

Background Information

This Job Aide outlines the steps to document, resolve, and report on hotel guest complaints in Visual One.

Documenting a Guest Complaint

  1. Login to Visual One
  2. Open the Guest’s Stay Record
  3. Press the New Complaint button
  4. Choose the appropriate Seriousness of the Complaint radio button
  5. Select the Manager
  6. Select the complaint Category
  7. Specify the complaint Priority
  8. Type a Description of the Complaint
  9. Press the Save button
  10. Press the Exit button
  11. The Guest’s Stay record will re-open and the complaint button will turn Red

Resolving a Guest Complaint

  1. Login to Visual One
  2. Open the Guest’s Stay Record
  3. Press the Complaint button
  4. Press Resolved checkbox
  5. Type the Cost to resolve the issue (if applicable)
  6. Type a Description of the Resolution
  7. Press the Save button
  8. Press the Exit button

NOTE: The Guest’s Stay record will continue to display a red icon in the toolbar for the length of the stay even if the issue has been resolved.

Creating a Guest Complaint Report

  1. Login to Visual One
  2. From the RmRpts menu, select Guest List Reports, then choose In-House guest Complaints
  3. Select the Date Range
  4. Choose the desired Report Options
  5. If applicable, choose the desired Category and/or Manager and press the (If no Category or Mangers are selected, all results will display)
  6. Press to run the report
  7. Press the Print button


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