TicketManager - Waitlist Functionality

Background Information

Creating a waitlist for VIP Players within the TicketManager system once ticket inventory has fully depleted and a previous approved VIP Player wishes to return their unused tickets.

Marketing has implemented the new TicketManager system, these are the necessary steps to create a waitlist for all VIP Players once ticket inventory has been diminished and a VIP Player cancels their prior approved tickets. This will allow the Marketing Manager a way to easily identify which VIP Players are next in line to receive these event tickets and redistribute tickets once the prior VIP Player returns the unused event tickets.

Creating a Waitlist Within TicketManager

  1. To place a guest/VIP on waitlist, navigate to Orders-> Manage Orders and filter down to the desired Order ID. Check the box next to the relevant Order ID, then click into the Operations Menu dropdown and select “Add to Waitlist”.
  2. Waitlisted Orders can be easily identified reviewing the column “Waitlisted” (YES or NO) in your Orders -> Manage Orders screen.
  3. Assuming you have allocated all tickets for a particular event and receive a cancellation from one of the previously approved guests/VIPs, the following steps walk through the proper workflow to approve the order for the previously waitlisted guest/VIP:
    • Navigate to the Orders -> Manage Shipments page. Filter down to the specific Order ID that is tied to the guest who canceled. Check the checkbox next to the Order ID, then in the operations menu dropdown select “Mark as returned”:
  4. The previous step will add the inventory back into the system so the tickets may be requested upon again. Now, navigate back to the Orders -> Manage Orders page and filter down to the Order ID tied to the previously waitlisted guest to whom the tickets should be sent to now. Click on the Blue Underlined Order ID.
  5. A new page will then be displayed, Click on the green “Edit” button in the top right corner.
  6. The page will then display to Edit the Order, navigate to the dropdown in the top left corner under Order ID (--Change Ticket--).
    • The dropdown will show all the available tickets for the event. Select the “now” available tickets that were added back into inventory and click the green “Save” button at the bottom left corner of the screen.
    • These tickets will now move into a “Pending Review” status and require approval on the order to successfully transfer the tickets from within TicketManager.
    • Alternatively, if the tickets which were reassigned have “Automatic Shipment of E-tickets” set to ‘Yes’, then they will automatically ship upon order approval.


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