Background Information
Identifying VIP Box Office Tickets Available and Uploading into TicketManager System.
Marketing has implemented the new TicketManager system however, our TM1 Host (Ticketmaster) system does not interface with the TicketManager system. Below is a step-by-step guide for our Marketing team, to walk through the manual process of identifying all on premises Box Office tickets available for VIP distribution and how to upload the spreadsheet provided by the Box Office
Manager into the TicketManager system.
Creating On-Premises Box Office Tickets Into TicketManager
- The Box Office Manager will identify all available on-premises (TSR & CAZ) Box Office tickets for distribution by our Marketing team to our VIP guests. These tickets will be entered into the attached TSR Ticket Import Template NEW.csv file and sent to the Marketing Manager on a monthly frequency when events are confirmed/scheduled at TSR & CAZ and tickets are available for distribution to our VIP Players.
- NOTE: Additional csv files will be sent periodically from the Box Office Manager to Marketing, when additional events are scheduled between monthly files or there are seat revisions that vary from original csv file that was previously sent.
- Per the upload requirements provided by TicketManager, please do not change or enhance any of the column headings located within the attached csv file. The column headings should appear as follows:
- Date * (YYYY/MM/DD or MM/DD/YYYY format)
- Game/Event *
- Time (Military Time)
- Venue (Use only the Venues names provided below)
- Face Value
- Published Price
- # of Tickets Available
- Section
- Row
- Low Seat #
- Is Suite? * (Always No)
- City *
- State/Province *
- Country
- Venue Admin (Carey Sharp-Donnelly)
(Options Marked with * are required fields)
Based upon event’s location, please use the following Venue naming conventions for all scheduled events, these are the only names available within the TicketManager system:
Talking Stick Resort
Outside at Talking Stick Resort
Talking Stick Resort Amphitheatre
Talking Stick Resort
The Pool at Talking Stick Resort
The Salt River Grand Ballroom at Talking Stick Resort
The Showroom at Talking Stick Resort
Casino Arizona
Arizona Room at Casino Arizona
Casino Arizona Field
CAZ Sports Bar at Casino Arizona
The Showroom at Casino Arizona
Once the completed TSR Ticket Import Template NEW.csv file has been received from the Box Office Manager and sent to the Marketing Manager, the Marketing Manager will upload the csv file into the TicketManager system by following the next steps:
- Log into the TicketManager system and navigate to Inventory>All Inventory.
- Click the tab “Import from File” to upload tickets from the completed TSR Ticket Import Template NEW.csv file received from the Box Office Manager.
- Select the “Choose File” button to navigate, locate and select the TSR Ticket Import Template NEW.csv file within your PC, once the file is selected and populated in the “File name” section, select the “Open” button. Enter a “1” in the “Ignore First” field, then select the “Import File” green button toward bottom of page to upload file into the TicketManager system.
- For the first import it will be necessary to select the exact columns that are represented within the csv.file so the file will successfully import. Proceed to select the below highlighted columns from the “Operation Selected Columns” section, then the “<” button to transfer column into the “Columns” section. Once these columns have been set, they will remain intact unless the “Restore Defaults” button is selected.
- Parking Passes
- Parking Section
- Parking Row
- Parking Low Seat #
- Notes
- Consecutive Type
- Experience
- Department
- Please review the attached pdf for clear examples on how to navigate the above steps.
- “Confirm Tickets” screen will appear, and you will have the opportunity to review/revise all uploaded inventory and save changes. Once completed select the “Reconfirm” button (if changes were made) or “Add Tickets” green button and all uploaded tickets will be added into ticket inventory.
- NOTE: Do not select the “Split tickets after adding into ticket inventory” checkbox.
- Verify all tickets were successfully uploaded and now appear within the dashboard. Once tickets are confirmed navigate to Orders > My Orders set necessary filters and generate an Excel or PDF as the format option for the report to capture all tickets that have been uploaded. (Process can be followed in steps below). Save the report and attach within an Outlook email and submit to Box Office so they can retain a copy for their records.
- Once tickets have been requested by Executive Hosts and approved by an Admin, the Marketing Manager will generate a pdf or xls report from within TicketManager (at least 14 days prior to event) to submit to the Box Office Manager to identify guests for ticket distribution and any remaining unused tickets. Box Office will then have the opportunity to resell these remaining unused tickets to the general public.
- To create a report to identify all approved on-premises Box Office tickets first go to Orders > Manage Orders page and ensure the data points are selected under the Layout tab. These points can be found in the attached pdf.
- Next navigate to Orders > My Orders and apply the following filters for Event Date and Event Venue, select Add Filter after each filter is set. Once both filters are added, select the Apply green button.
- Once all results have populated, select the Export option in the top right-hand corner (see below) and choose either Excel or PDF as the format option for the report. The xls or pdf will generate at bottom left corner of screen. Save the report and attach within an Outlook email and submit to Box Office.
- All tickets identified for VIP player distribution, will be available and ready for Box Office pickup by the VIP guest or Executive Hosts 7 days prior to the event date.
- Once unused tickets have been identified and sent to Box Office for VIP Player distribution, these tickets should also be removed from the TicketManager system to avoid any confusion.
- To remove unused tickets from the TicketManager system: Navigate to Inventory>All Inventory, search by Event Name. Select all unused tickets that require deletion from the system by selecting the checkbox(s). Navigate to the “Operations” section within middle section, select the dropdown arrow and select “Delete” under the Modify section.
- The Delete screen below will appear asking if you wish to proceed with the “Confirm Delete”. Select the green “Confirm Delete” button and verify tickets have been removed from dashboard and are identified as “Deleted” under “Status” column within “All Inventory”.
To review images or save/download/print a copy of this Job Aide, please select the pdf attachment.