TicketManager - Blocking Ticket Inventory Procedure

Background Information

Creating a block on ticket inventory for only a group of users to be able to view and request upon within the TicketManager system.

Marketing has implemented the new TicketManager system. These are the necessary steps to create a block on a group of tickets so only a certain group of “Admin” users can view the blocked tickets. This will allow the Marketing Manager a way to easily block groups of tickets and further control which users will be able to view and access certain tickets to process requests against.

Creating a Block on Ticket Inventory Within TicketManager

  1. Log into the TicketManager system and navigate to Inventory > All Inventory
  2. Apply desired filters on inventory to populate certain tickets which require a block to be placed on. The example in the attached pdf has a filter placed on Home Team Performer Name and a custom date range within the Event Date filter.
  3. Once tickets have been populated, proceed to select all tickets that requires a block to be placed upon.
  4. Once all tickets have been selected, navigate to the dropdown menu within the Operations section and select Edit Selected or Edit Filtered within the Modify section.
    • NOTE: The ‘Edit Filtered’ option in the Operations Menu dropdown allows you to edit the entire set of data that appears once you have added the relevant filters to a screen (Generally applicable on the Inventory -> All Inventory page). The ‘Edit Selected’ option in the Operations Menu dropdown allows you to edit a subset of the data that appears once you have added the relevant filters to a screen and is based upon the particular line items for which you have checked the box on the far-left side of the screen (Again, generally this is relevant to the Inventory -> All Inventory page).
  5. The Bulk-Edit Ticket Inventory screen will appear, all selected tickets can be viewed at the right side of the screen. All fields will be “blank”, navigate and select the drop-down menu from within the “Status” field (towards the bottom of screen) and select the Blocked option.
    • NOTE: The “Blocked” functionality is an all-or-nothing proposition. Only Admins will be able to see inventory once it has been set to a ‘Blocked’ status.
  6. Navigate to the bottom of screen and select the green Save button to apply block.


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