Background Information
Creating a block on ticket inventory for only a group of users to be able to view and request upon within the TicketManager system.
Marketing has implemented the new TicketManager system. These are the necessary steps to create a block on a group of tickets so only a certain group of “Admin” users can view the blocked tickets. This will allow the Marketing Manager a way to easily block groups of tickets and further control which users will be able to view and access certain tickets to process requests against.
Creating a Block on Ticket Inventory Within TicketManager
- Log into the TicketManager system and navigate to Inventory > All Inventory
- Apply desired filters on inventory to populate certain tickets which require a block to be placed on. The example in the attached pdf has a filter placed on Home Team Performer Name and a custom date range within the Event Date filter.
- Once tickets have been populated, proceed to select all tickets that requires a block to be placed upon.
- Once all tickets have been selected, navigate to the dropdown menu within the Operations section and select Edit Selected or Edit Filtered within the Modify section.
- NOTE: The ‘Edit Filtered’ option in the Operations Menu dropdown allows you to edit the entire set of data that appears once you have added the relevant filters to a screen (Generally applicable on the Inventory -> All Inventory page). The ‘Edit Selected’ option in the Operations Menu dropdown allows you to edit a subset of the data that appears once you have added the relevant filters to a screen and is based upon the particular line items for which you have checked the box on the far-left side of the screen (Again, generally this is relevant to the Inventory -> All Inventory page).
- The Bulk-Edit Ticket Inventory screen will appear, all selected tickets can be viewed at the right side of the screen. All fields will be “blank”, navigate and select the drop-down menu from within the “Status” field (towards the bottom of screen) and select the Blocked option.
- NOTE: The “Blocked” functionality is an all-or-nothing proposition. Only Admins will be able to see inventory once it has been set to a ‘Blocked’ status.
- Navigate to the bottom of screen and select the green Save button to apply block.
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