SharePoint Online - How to Add Hyperlinks

Background Information

SharePoint Online offers multiple hyperlink options. Hyperlinks are a great way to assist users with navigation to other Sites, Site Pages, or Files. This Job Aide reviews the different ways to add a link to your Site Page.

Text Link

A Text Link will display the text in blue with an underline.  Example of a Text Link

  1. ​​​​Click Edit in the upper-right of the page to enable editing mode.
  2. Place the cursor in the page location to add a Web Part.
  3. Hover at the top center of the area to pull up the blue Add Web Part button (blue circle with white +).
  4. Select Text from the list of available Web Parts.
  5. In the Text Options Toolbar (along the top of the Web Part), select the Link option.
  6. The Insert Link options window opens. Fill in the following:
    • Address - Go to the document or page you want to link to. Copy the URL address and paste it here.
    • Text to Display – this is the Link label. It should be short, and easy to understand.
    • Add Search words, if necessary. This will tag the item when a user searches in SharePoint.
    • The page you’d like to link to may already appear in the Recent Pages section. If so, click the name of the site to auto-populate the above fields.
    • Click Open link in a new tab (optional).
    • Click Save.
    • Once you’re done editing, click Publish to save and make the changes visible to others.

Quick Links

The Quick Links Web Part is a new feature which displays an image thumbnail to the left, and link text to the right of the image. The Quick Links Web Part contains space for a section title, and will configure the links as stacked tiles. This Web Part is useful when creating a collection of related links.

Quick Links can be used to navigate to a SharePoint Site Page, External Website, Document Library, Folder, or File.

  1. Click the Add Web Part icon on the page.
  2. Select Quick Links from the list.
  3. The Quick Links Web Part appears on the Site Page. The Web Part contains:
    • Title Bar
    • Add link (use this to add additional tiles)
    • A stack of link placeholders. This placeholder section gives a preview of a set of Quick Links.
  4. Click Add a link (with the blue globe icon).
  5. The link selection window displays the following options to the left side of the window.
    • Recent – displays recent SharePoint items, such as Sites, Pages, Libraries, Files, etc. Select from the list of available options and click Open in the lower-right corner.
    • Site – displays Libraries contained within the current Site. Select from the list of available options and click Open in the lower-right corner.
    • Upload – upload a file or folder by browsing the network drives. Click Add Item in the lower-right corner.
    • From a Link – copy and paste a recent web address in this field. Add the URL address and click Open in the lower-right corner to add the address.
  6. Once you add a link, it will appear as a tile in the Quick links Web Part. You can add multiple links to create a collection.
  7. You can also choose to add an image thumbnail to each link to make it more visually appealing.
  8. After you’ve added and customized your links, click Publish to save and make the changes visible to others.


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