SharePoint Online - How to Edit a Site Page

Background Information

SharePoint Site Owners have the ability to edit their department website and/or Site Page. This Job Aide lists the steps needed to make changes to a SharePoint Online Site Page. SharePoint Online uses an updated look and feel, called Modern view.

Enable Editing for a SharePoint Site Page

SharePoint Online Modern View does not include a ribbon at the top of the screen with Page editing options. Adjustments to a site page are made directly within the page and section structure. This is called In-Line editing.

  1. Open your team site home page (or page to be edited) from The Source.
  2. Click Edit at the right of the screen in the Header section.
  3. There is no ribbon with editing options in SharePoint Online. In-Line editing features appear on the screen as you move your cursor and hover your cursor around the page.
    • Example: See attached pdf for reference. The editing tools appear on the screen as the mouse is hovered over Web Parts.
  4. When page edits are complete, first Save as draft. Then Publish your changes.

Page Edit Options

Editing tools are listed with icons as listed in the attached pdf.

Add / Edit a Section

  1. Click Edit button in the upper-right of the Page.
  2. Hover over a section of the Site Page you want to add/edit. .

Add a New Section:

  1. Hover over the upper-left margin of the section.
  2. Click the Add a New Section icon (blue and white +).
  3. Select a section from the Section Layout display.

Edit an Existing Section:

  1. Use the Section Tools available along the left margin of the section.
  2. Select the edit icon (pencil) in the section’s top-left corner.
  3. Select Edit Section from the options.
  4. Choose a new layout for the section from the Section Layout panel.

Add a Web Part

Web Parts are functional blocks that you can place within sections on a SharePoint Site Page. These blocks include Text, Image, Links, Document Library and List previews, among others.

  1. Click Edit button in the upper-right of the Page.
  2. Hover over the center of a section header (or below an existing Web Part) to reveal the Add Web Part tool.
  3. The Web Part selection panel appears. Scroll through the list or expand the window in the upper-right of the list to see all options.

Edit a Web Part

  1. Click Edit button in the upper-right of the Page.
  2. Hover over the Web Part to be edited.
  3. The Editing Options are available for Web Parts. Review table within the attached pdf for examples.
  4. Once you’re done, click Save or Apply to save your changes.

Additional Notes on Web Parts

Each Web Part has its own editing options. For instance:

  • Text Web Part: You can directly type and format text (e.g., bold, italics, bullets, links).
  • Image Web Part: You can upload an image from your local machine or select one from your site assets.
  • Document Library Web Part: You can choose to display the document library in different layouts (list, tiles, etc.) and configure filter or sorting options.

Save and Publish Changes

Once you’re satisfied with the changes you’ve made:

  1. Save your work to create a draft version.
  2. When you’re ready to make the page visible to others, click Publish.

The Publish button will make all your changes live, and other team members or site visitors will see the updated page.


To review images or save/download/print a copy of this Job Aide, please select the pdf attachment.