Center for Learning - Transcript Options

Background Information

Casino Arizona’s Learning Management System (LMS) is called Center for Learning. The LMS holds employee historical class data back to 2008. Each employees Transcript shows currently assigned trainings, as well as completed trainings.

This Job Aide lists Transcript options.

Preview Your Transcript

The Transcript panel on the left side of the Learner Home screen displays summary information on your learning progress. Please review the image and descriptions on the first page of the attached pdf for more information.

Locate Your Transcript

  1. Transcript panel is on the Learner Home screen (left side of screen)
  2. Click View in the Assignment Summary block to view the full Transcript.
  3. From the Blue Toolbar, hover over My Learning. Select View Your Transcript.

Navigate the Transcript

Please review the example image within the attached pdf for the locations of the features listed below.

  1. Total Hours of Training completed by the employee
  2. Active items (currently assigned, not completed)
  3. Select Session (Class Date & Time, if multiple sessions are available) to the right of each assigned class
  4. Options drop-down: Save as PDF, Print, or Run Report (Filter & Print)

Filter the Transcript

The User Transcript is set to display currently assigned courses (Active) that have not completed. To view Completed courses:

  1. Click on the Active drop-down
  2. Select Completed
  3. The Transcript will display all completed courses with the Completion Date

Transcript Options - Save and Print

The Options drop-down in the upper right of the Transcript screen allows an employee to:

  1. Save a PDF of the complete Transcript
  2. Print a copy of the full, complete Transcript
  3. Run Transcript Report – Filter and print a copy of the Transcript. Filter options:
    • Training
    • Date
    • Advanced
  4. After all filters have been completed, click Run Report in the lower right of the screen. This will generate an Excel file.
    • Click Open to view the report (lower screen prompt)
    • Click Yes – the data is pulling form a Trusted Source (on-screen prompt)
  5. The Excel file can be saved or printed.


To review images or save/download/print a copy of this Job Aide, please select the pdf attachment.