UKG - Update Personal Information

Background Information

The following steps will help you edit your personal information options in UKG.

First-Time Log In

  1. Navigate to the following website:
  2. Enter credentials:
    • Username = Your 7-digit CGL badge number, without the dash.
    • Initial Password = given during the UKG/Benefits orientation. Change password as necessary. If password reset is needed, contact IT Support at 480-850-7830.
    • Upon initial login, you will be prompted to change the password. Password requirements:
      • At least 8 characters
      • At least one capital letters
      • At least one number
      • At least one special character

Locating Personal Information Options

  1. Navigate to the Main Menu using the Hamburger icon.
  2. Under the My Information category, select My HR.
  3. In the My HR screen, select the HR Actions tab at the top-left of the screen.
  4. Select the Available tab to review the following options:
    • Address Change
    • Direct Deposit Change
    • Emergency Contacts Update
    • Marital Status Change
    • Name Change
    • Personal Information Update
    • Phone/Email Change

Updating Personal Information

  1. Select an option you’d like to update by selecting Start on the far, right-hand side of the screen.
  2. Follow prompts to fully complete adjustments. Enter any necessary and applicable information.
  3. Select Save to save all adjustments.
  4. Select Submit to submit your adjustments.

EXAMPLE: Updating Phone/Email:

  • There are two email fields that can be adjusted:
    • Primary email displays your work email (if applicable).
    • Secondary email displays your personal email. Adjust the fields accordingly:
      • Add/edit personal email in the Primary email field if you DO NOT have a work email address.
      • Add/Edit personal email in the Secondary email field if you DO have a work email address.
  • Select Save to save all adjustments.
  • Select Submit to submit all adjustments.


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