UKG - Quick Actions for Managers

Background Information

Quick Actions are one-click shortcuts in the action bar that you use to complete repetitive tasks, speed up data entry, and reduce errors.

Quick Action Functionality

  1. Within the Action Bar, select Quick Actions. Then, select a Quick Action you want to use.
  2. Select the item you want to modify or take action on. If the action is associated with two items, you must also select the second item.
  3. When you are finished with a Quick Action, select it again to disable it.

Example: Open the Quick Actions Action Bar, select Copy / Paste, then select the item to copy and select the target cell to paste it in. To paste the same item in many cells, just continue selecting the target cells one by one. The software pastes the copied item in each cell as you click.

When you select a Quick Action, it remains enabled until you disable it. You can continue selecting additional days or shifts to apply the same action.

Note: When a Quick Action is enabled, the Information Bar just above the Quick Actions action bar tells you what to do next.

There are two other ways to disable a Quick Action when you are finished with it:

  • Select Quick Actions.
  • Select Close at the right end of the Information Bar.


Quick Action Visual Cues

Please see images of below visual cues in the attached pdf.

  • A blue border highlighted around a shift indicates the initial shift you selected to perform a quick action (Swap, Copy/Paste, or Assign). Information about the selected shift displays in the blue banner at the top of the Schedule Planner.
  • A shift that temporarily displays as grayed out indicates that the system is processing an action (Swap, Copy/Paste, or Assign) on that shift.
  • Shifts with a black border and a red dot displayed in the right corner have been modified but not yet saved in the Schedule Planner. The tooltip and glance for the shift also display a message that there are unsaved changes. When you save the Schedule Planner, the black border and red dot no longer display on the shift.

Available Quick Actions


What: Assigns open shifts to employees.

How: Select the open shift, select the employee to select. Repeat as needed. If break rules are violated, reassign the breaks:

  1. Right-click the shift.
  2. Select Assign Breaks in the glance.

Note: If the employee’s primary job does not match the job of the open shift, the segment becomes a transfer job. Work rule or labor level transfers remain the same.


What: Unassigns an assigned shift to create an open shift.

How: Select an assigned shift. An open shift is created, having the same job as the shift did before you unassigned it. Select additional assigned shifts as needed to unassign them as well.

Insert Shift Transfer

What: Changes the job for a shift; all segments of the selected shift are assigned the selected job. Other data associated with the shift remain unchanged.


  1. Select the job from the list. The list contains only jobs that are included in your current transfer set.
  2. Selct one or more scheduled shifts.

Insert Shift Template

What: Creates and assigns shifts from a shift template.

How: Select the template from the list that appears, then select a date cell, whether empty or not. Select other date cells as needed to assign the same template to them as well.


  • Search for the name of a template by typing any part of the template name in the search box.
  • You cannot assign templates to locked or signed-off days.

Insert Comment

What: Assigns a comment to a shift or a paycode.

How: Select the comment from the list that appears, then select a shift or a paycode. Select other entities as needed to assign the same comment to them.

Note: Search for a comment by typing any part of it in the search box.


What: Replaces an assigned shift with a paycode.

How: Select the paycode, then select an assigned shift:

  • The paycode replaces the entire duration of the shift.
  • The system automatically creates an open (unassigned) shift with the same start and end time as the replaced shift.
  • Select additional shifts as needed to replace them with the same paycode.

Note: You cannot replace an empty cell, a shift segment, a locked shift, or a shift during a locked or signed-off day.


What: Copies and pastes a shift, a paycode, a tag, availability or any combination of these items.

How: On the Copy / Paste menu, select the check boxes for the items you want to copy and paste, and clear the check boxes for those you do not want to copy and paste. Select the date cell containing the item or items to copy, then select the date cell where you want the copied item or items to appear. Repeat to paste the same item or items in another cell.


What: Deletes a shift or a paycode.

How: Select the item to delete. Repeat to delete additional items. To restore items deleted by mistake, do not save but instead select Refresh

Warning: When you refresh the page, you lose all changes since the last save.


What: Locks or unlocks a shift. (You cannot lock or unlock days with this quick action.)

How: Select an unlocked shift to lock it, or a locked shift to unlock it. You can select additional shifts to lock or unlock as needed.


What: Swap shifts or days with no shifts.

How: Select the first item, then select the second item. Repeat as needed.

If enabled in the Schedule Planner configuration, shifts swapped by employees display the swap shift icon. The shift swap icon and a message that the shift was swapped also displays in the shift tooltip and in the glance.

Note - You can swap:

  • Shifts or days with no shifts between two employees on the same day. Both employees must be qualified and available.
  • Two items between two employees on different days.
  • A shift for a paycode between two employees on the same day.
  • A paycode for a shift between two employees on the same day.
  • Swaps between different days do not overwrite other items on the same day.

Note - You cannot swap:

  • Items with a group
  • Items between the same employees
  • Locked shifts
  • Paycodes


What: Approve a Time-off Request.

How: Select the request in the schedule grid and select Approve.


What: Refuse a Time-off Request.

How: Select the request in the schedule grid and select Refuse.


What: Cancel the Time-off Request on behalf of the employee.

How: Select the request in the schedule grid and select Cancel.


To review images or save/download/print a copy of this Job Aide, please select the pdf attachment.