UKG - Mobile App

Background Information

This job aide lists steps to get started with UKG Dimensions on your mobile device.

Launch the UKG Dimensions App

From your mobile device:

  • Search for the UKG Dimensions app in your device’s App Store.
  • Download and open the app.

Log Into UKG Dimensions Mobile App

To access UKG Dimensions, complete the following steps:

  1. Open App. Enter the following address in the URL field:
  2. OR, Click the SCAN button, and scan the following code:Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  3. Enter your username and initial password on the login screen.
  • Username = Your 7-digit badge number, without the dash.
  • Initial Password = given during the UKG/Benefits orientation. Change password as necessary. If password reset is needed, contact IT Support at 480-850-7830.
  • Upon initial login, you will be prompted to change the password. Password requirements:
    • At least 8 characters
    • At least one capital letters
    • At least one number
    • At least one special character

Sign Out of UKG Dimensions Mobile App

To log off UKG Dimensions, click the Main Menu (Hamburger icon), and tap Sign Out.

Navigate in the Application

  1. Click any tile to see more details of each.
    • Tap My Notifications or the Alert Bell at the top right of the screen to see alerts and notifications in the application, such as a missed punch message.
    • Tap My Timecard to view your hours worked for the time period.
    • Tap My Schedule to view your scheduled hours for the week.
  2. Tap the Hamburger icon to access the Main Menu. Some commonly-used items include:
    • My Calendar - Request Time Off from the Calendar. (Please see the Request PTO or Leave Job Aide for instructions.)
    • My Timecard - View your Schedule and/or Time Clock punches.
    • My HR - Update Contact Information or Direct Deposit at the HR Actions Tab > Available.
    • My Career - View Internal Job Opportunities.
    • My Pay - View Pay Statements, W-2 Form, and Benefits Statement.


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