Background Information
This job aide lists steps to get started with UKG Dimensions on your mobile device.
Launch the UKG Dimensions App
From your mobile device:
- Search for the UKG Dimensions app in your device’s App Store.
- Download and open the app.
Log Into UKG Dimensions Mobile App
To access UKG Dimensions, complete the following steps:
- Open App. Enter the following address in the URL field:
- OR, Click the SCAN button, and scan the following code:

- Enter your username and initial password on the login screen.
- Username = Your 7-digit badge number, without the dash.
- Initial Password = given during the UKG/Benefits orientation. Change password as necessary. If password reset is needed, contact IT Support at 480-850-7830.
- Upon initial login, you will be prompted to change the password. Password requirements:
- At least 8 characters
- At least one capital letters
- At least one number
- At least one special character
Sign Out of UKG Dimensions Mobile App
To log off UKG Dimensions, click the Main Menu (Hamburger icon), and tap Sign Out.
Navigate in the Application
- Click any tile to see more details of each.
- Tap My Notifications or the Alert Bell at the top right of the screen to see alerts and notifications in the application, such as a missed punch message.
- Tap My Timecard to view your hours worked for the time period.
- Tap My Schedule to view your scheduled hours for the week.
- Tap the Hamburger icon to access the Main Menu. Some commonly-used items include:
- My Calendar - Request Time Off from the Calendar. (Please see the Request PTO or Leave Job Aide for instructions.)
- My Timecard - View your Schedule and/or Time Clock punches.
- My HR - Update Contact Information or Direct Deposit at the HR Actions Tab > Available.
- My Career - View Internal Job Opportunities.
- My Pay - View Pay Statements, W-2 Form, and Benefits Statement.
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