UKG - Creating & Modifying a Schedule / PTO

Background Information

This Job Aide will explain the tools to modifying and editing a schedule and/or PTO. This includes creating or editing Schedule Patterns, adjusting a schedule, and adjusting PTO.

Edit a Schedule Pattern

Schedule Patterns can be assigned to one or more employees, to a schedule group, or to a set of employment terms. To edit a schedule pattern, complete the following steps:

Define the Employee Pattern or Patterns to Modify

To open the Schedule Pattern glance for specific employees having the same schedule pattern, do one of the following:

  • Double-click an employee.
  • Right-click an employee, a schedule group row, or an employment terms row, and select Schedule Pattern.
  • Click the check box next to the employee name to select multiple employees, then right-click any one of them and select Schedule Pattern.
  • Use shift-select or Ctrl-select to select multiple employees, then right-click any one of them and select Schedule Pattern.

Define the Type of Modification

  1. Note the tabs in the pattern table in the attached pdf. Click the tab of the pattern you want to edit.
  2. On the tab, select down arrow to open the pattern menu, then select Edit. The Edit pattern dialog appears. Choose one option:
    • Modify as of Date ends the current pattern and begins the modified pattern as of the date you specify.
    • Overwrite Pattern erases the current pattern from the last sign-off date to the end date and replaces it with the modified pattern.
  3. Click Apply to confirm your choice and continue by modifying options for the pattern.

Modify Schedule Pattern Options

Make whatever modifications you need and leave the other settings as they are.

  1. Specify a Start Date and (optionally) an End Date to indicate the effective period of the pattern.
  2. In the Define Pattern For field, specify the length of the cycle that repeats (in days or weeks).
  3. Create a shift for any cell using one of the following methods.
    • Right-click the cell and select Insert Shift Template, then select a template. You can also select multiple cells (using shift-click or control-click), right-click one of them, click Insert Shift Template, then select a template.
    • Click Shift Template at the top of the glance, then select a template, then click the cell where you want to create the shift. You can add the same shift template simply by clicking additional cells. When you are finished creating that type of shift, click Shift Template to deactivate the quick action.
    • Right-click the cell and select Add Shift, then define the shift parameters. You can also select multiple cells (using shift-click or control-click), right-click one of them, and click Add Shift to open the Add Shift panel. Define the shift parameters to insert the same kind of shift in each selected cell.
    • You can also use the quick action Copy-Paste to copy a shift and paste it in a different date cell. See Quick Actions for editing Schedule Patterns, below.
    • Note: Create shifts in the cell of the day they begin. For example, a shift that begins at 11:30 pm Monday is created in the Monday cell, even though most of the shift is on Tuesday.
  4. Define the availability pattern for any cell. Right-click the cell and select Edit Availability, then define the Availability parameters for that cell. You can also select multiple cells (using shift-click or control-click), right-click one of them, and click Edit Availability to open the Edit Availability panel. Define the availability parameters to apply to all the selected cells.
  5. Create a paycode for any cell. Right-click a cell or a shift and select Add Paycode, then define a paycode, and select Apply. Note: Leave any cell blank to represent a day that has no shift or paycode.

Apply the Pattern Changes

  1. Click Apply. The Schedule Pattern glance closes, and the pattern is applied for the loaded period.
  2. On the main schedule page, click Save. The pattern is rolled out for its entire length.

Modifying a Schedule / PTO

Below are different methods to modify and edit a schedule and/or PTO.

Manually Adjusting a Schedule

  1. Open the UKG Homepage.
  2. Select the forward arrow within the Manage Timecards widget. This will open all timecards available to the manager.
  3. Select the Go To button from the top navigation panel and select Schedule.
  4. Search for an employee using the search bar.
  5. Adjust the timecard to a given date range or pay period.
    • Adjust the date range by selecting Current Pay Period near the top, right-hand corner.
    • Select a given date range OR click Select Range.
      1. Adjust Start and End Dates to the desired date range and click Apply.
    • NOTE: Past date ranges and pay periods, including those locked by Payroll, cannot be adjusted.
  6. Click into the time block you want to adjust.
  7. Type in the new times for that time block and click enter on your keyboard.
  8. If a scheduled time already exists within a time block, right click, and select copy to copy that timeframe. This can be pasted into a new or existing time block, if applicable.
  9. Select Save in the top, right-hand corner once you are finished with all adjustments.

Adjusting a Schedule With PTO

  1. Open the employee’s schedule by following steps 1 – 5 above.
  2. If a timecard reflects over 40 hours in 1 week, and involves PTO, adjust the timecard as necessary. Example scenarios could be:
    • 16 PTO Hours are approved on the timecard for 1 day, yet the timecard shows 32 hours total worked over 4 days by an employee. Adjust the 16 PTO Hours to reflect 8 PTO Hours for 1 day so the total hours worked equals 40.
      • Open an employee’s schedule.
      • Click directly onto the PTO.
      • Select Edit.
      • Adjust Amount Hours to appropriate amount, i.e. 8 hours.
      • Select Apply.
    • 16 PTO Hours are approved on the timecard for 1 day, yet the timecard shows 24 hours total worked over 3 days by an employee. Adjust the 16 PTO Hours to reflect 8 PTO Hours over a span of 2 days.
      • Open an employee’s schedule.
      • Click directly onto the PTO for 1 day.
      • Select Edit.
      • Adjust Amount Hours to appropriate amount, i.e. 8 hours.
      • Select Apply.
      • For the second day, select the scheduled time and click Delete.
      • Select Save.
      • Return to the employee’s timecard, not schedule, and manually add 8 PTO Hours for that day by selecting PTO from Pay Code field and manually entering 8 hours in the Amount field. Select Save.

Best Practices for Managing a Schedule & PTO

Important notes for managing a schedule and PTO:

  • Submitted PTO should match the employee’s schedule.
    • For example, an employee works 8 AM to 4 PM every day, therefore, the submitted PTO should also reflect 8 AM to 4 PM to match their schedule.
  • An employee’s schedule should match the employee’s timecard punches.
    • For example, an employee is scheduled from 2 AM to 11 AM, therefore, the employee’s in and out punches should reflect 2 AM to 11 AM.
      • If these punches do not match, they are reflected in the Missed Punches Dataview Report.
  • Confirm any adjusted hours are reflected correctly by reviewing the Totals section at the bottom of an employee’s timecard.


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