Background Information
Microsoft Word provides many options to add pictures and graphics into a document. This Job Aide outlines the required steps to insert a picture using the most common options in Word.
Inserting Pictures From a File
- Place your cursor where you want the Picture to be placed.
- From the Insert tab, choose Pictures.
- Locate the picture to be added from the Insert Picture window.
- Click Insert.
Formatting Pictures
- Click on the Image you want to format.
- Click the Format Tab.
- From this tab you can adjust image effects, borders, size, and image arrangement.
Wrap Text:
- Click on the Image you want to format and click the Format tab.
- Click Wrap Text (or Right Click the Image and hover over Wrap Text).
- Select the type of wrap you want to use.
In Line w/ Text
The default for images, treats the image as any other object within the document.
The Text wraps around a rectangular box called a “bounding box” that encloses the image.
Similar to square wrapping, Tight follows the shape of the image to determine the bounding.
Allows Text to flow into the white spaces inside an image.
Top & Bottom
The Text will stay above and below the image, not wrapping the sides.
Behind Text
Allows Text to flow over the image.
In Front of Text
Allow the image to sit on top or over text.
Edit Wrap Points
Allows you to create custom wrapping of your image by modifying the wrap points.
Anchoring Images:
- Click the image so the anchor icon becomes visible.
- Click the anchor, and drag it to the first line of text on the page.
- Any text added to the line will not re-adjust the image.
Cropping Images:
- Click on the image and click the Format tab.
- Click the Crop option.
- Drag the Black box frame lines to crop your image.
- Click outside of image to crop image.
To review images or save/download/print a copy of this Job Aide, please select the pdf attachment.