Background Information
Microsoft Word has built in functionality that allows users to create interactive forms that can be completed online. Forms can include check boxes, free-form “text fields”, and drop-down lists. This Job Aide outlines the steps for creating these forms.
Developer Tab
In order to create or modify a Word form, you must have access to the Developer tab. By default, this tab is not shown, but it can be added by following these steps:
- Click the File tab.
- Click the Options button.
- Click the Customize Ribbon button.
- Click the Developer checkbox.
- Click OK.
Step One - Adding Form Elements
Word uses two methods for creating forms. To prevent compatibility issues, Casino Arizona users should use the Legacy Form features. These features will work for all versions of Word. In order to add a Legacy Form element onto a document, follow these steps:
- Place your cursor where you want the element to go.
- Click the Legacy Tools button from the Developer Tab.
- Click the desired form element. Such as:
- Text Form Field
- Checkbox
- Drop-Down Field
- Double-click the element to customize the Form Element.
Step Two - Customizing Form Elements
Check Boxes
Text-Form Fields
Drop-Down Lists
- Double-click the check box and set the options.
Common Options include:
- Check box size will make the check box larger or smaller
- Default value allows you to choose if the box should be checked or unchecked when users first open the form
- Double-click the text form field and set the options.
Common Options include:
- Type allows you to specify what can be entered (e.g., text, numbers, etc.)
- Default text allows you to specify what is written in the text box when users first open the form
- Double-click the drop-down list to set the options.
- Type the first option for your list in the Drop-down item text box
- Click the Add button
- Add other options as appropriate
- Click OK
Step Three - Protecting the Form
After all the elements have been added to a form, the form must be protected, this allows users to fill in the form, but they cannot make any other changes.
To Protect the Document:
- From the Developer Tab, click Restrict Editing.
- Click the Allow only this type of editing checkbox.
- Choose Filling in Forms from the drop-down list.
- Press Yes, Start Enforcing Protection.
- Type in a password if desired, otherwise click OK.
To Un-Protect the Document:
- From the Developer Tab, click Restrict Editing.
- Press Stop Protection at the bottom of the Task pane.
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