Background Information
Slicer and Timelines are tools used to filter data. Each tool is available in the toolbars of Tables, PivotTables, and PivotCharts. This Job Aide displays common ways to use Slicers and Timelines.
Add a Slicer Filter
The Slicer Tool can be accessed in the Filters section of the following tabs:
- Insert Tab
- Pivot Tools Analyze Tab
- Pivot Chart Tools Analyze Tab
- Tools Section of Table Tools
To add a slicer, follow the below steps:
- Click in the data range to be filtered.
- If selecting a range (not a table), be sure to include the Header Row and select the entire range.
- Navigate to the toolbar and click Slicer.
- A Slicer selection panel appears. Options in the Slicer panel correspond to the column headers in the selected data range.
- Select the filter head checkbox.
- A Slicer panel appears in the worksheet.
To apply the filters, follow the below steps:
- Click one item in the list to apply one filter.
- Hold the CTRL key when selecting multiple items that are scattered throughout the panel.
- Hold the SHIFT key when selecting items that are directly next to each other.
- The Clear Filter button in the Slicer panel will remove all filters and restore to original data.
Formatting options are available for each Slicer Panel added to the worksheet. Options include color scheme and slicer button dimensions.
Timeline Filter
PivotTable Timelines allow you to quickly adjust and sort PivotTables according to dates or timeframes. This feature is similar to Slicers, but Timeline will only filter date fields.
Add a Timeline to Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
To add a Timeline, follow the steps below:
- Click on a cell in the Pivot Table.
- Under the Analyze Tab, select Insert Timeline.
- The Insert Timeline Dialog Box will appear.
- Select the date field you'd like to filter by.
- The completed Timeline will display in the worksheet.
To filter a Timeline, follow the steps below:
- Click the Timeline Measurement drop-down to select the unit of time you'd like to filter.
- Use the Timeline scroll bar to view the available time period.
- The gray Timespan Handles at each end of the selector can be used to adjust the date range in either direction.
- The Clear Filter button in the Slicer panel will remove all filters and restore the original data.
Formatting options are available for each Timeline Panel added to the worksheet. Options include color scheme and labels.
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