Excel - Quick Analysis Tool

Background Information

The Quick Analysis Tool in Microsoft Excel allows you to quickly analyze data, or convert your data to a chart or table.

Access the Quick Analysis Tool

  1. Select a range of cells to be evaluated.
  2. When the cells are selected, the Quick Analysis Tool appears in the lower-right corner of the range.
  3. Click the Quick Analysis Tool icon to view options available for the data range.

Quick Analysis Tool Options

Quick Analysis Tool options include:

  • Formatting – most include Conditional Formatting features
  • Charts – view Recommended Charts for the selected data
  • Totals – add a row to display a formula such as: Total, Average, Count, Running Total
  • Tables – convert the range to a Table
  • Sparklines – create in-cell charts, such as trend lines

To apply any of these options, complete the following:

  1. Click on one of the headers in the Quick Analysis Tool display.
  2. Within the header, hover over an option to preview the result.
  3. Select an option when ready.

Note: For more information, please refer to the Job Aides Library.


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